“You fucking snake,” I snarled. “You think slithering your way around the rules is going to be enough to win you the throne?”
Dagon’s brow hitched into his greasy hairline. “Paired with the fact that Thomas Knight will rise from the dead to murder his biological daughter along with his pathetic progeny who defiled her? I say my chances are pretty good. Considering you’ll all be dead soon enough.”
My claws sliced into my palms as I fisted my hands at my hips. “I’m going to forge the mating bond with all four of the princes, Dagon. So you’ll get your wish as far as that goes. Know why? Because I’m not scared to bear their marks. Even if you manage to resurrect the old king, I’ll face him. I’ll face any asshole who tries to take away what’s mine. And the throne? The Knight progeny? The whole fucking vampire kingdom? It’s mine, bro. All of it. Now, how about you fight me face to face instead of throwing your goons at me? Or are you too much of a pussy to take on the crazy naked chick?”
Dagon ground his teeth so loudly, I could hear it even from where he stood looking down his nose at me.
For several rapid slaps of my heart against my ribs, no one moved, even though Dagon had uttered a command. They were waiting for him to take my challenge. As any man worthy of the throne would.
Dagon’s beady glare flitted over the gallery, the same thought running through his head, I was sure. He didn’t want to fight me. I wasn’t sure if it was because he thought he might not win or if he simply wanted to wait to shed my blood until he got his hands on me for the ritual.
All eyes were fixed on the necromancer, the entire room holding their breath for his response.
Dagon’s lip peeled back to reveal his fangs, which were not white and pearly like my guys. The yellow film covering them glowed through the darkness like some kind of nightmare creature staring at me through the dark. His hands gripped the railing of his box, knuckles turning death-white and cracked audibly. He slowly leaned forward so the stage lights doused his gaunt features in a harsh glow.
“You are a bold little bitch. I’ll give you that. But I will not lower myself by indulging your delusions that you are in any way my equal. You are mortal. With a heartbeat in your chest, you are no more than food and a pretty hole to fuck. Count yourself fortunate that you are a necessary element to claim my place as king and that I am permitting you to keep the air in your lungs until then.”
“Coward.” Vincent said it before I could. I turned to see his tar-black eyes burning. The fae stretched his wings out behind him, the crowd murmuring at the hybrid’s dark presence. “If you won’t fight her, fight me. Your heart will make a pretty gift for the rightful leader of our people.”
“Ah yes,” Dagon said through a baleful smile. “That was the condition that she’d open up her womb for you, wasn’t it, fae? I suppose you’ll never be a father in that case. As a dark fae, you’ll bring dishonor to your family by not producing the next kin in your bloodline. It’s probably just as well. We wouldn’t want Thomas Knight slaying his slut of a daughter with his unborn grandchild in her belly.”
There wasn’t time for me to respond or to even blink. A swoosh of wind lashed my skin, and a blur of black feathers bolted in front of me. Vincent leaped onto the ledge of the box where Dagon leaned and swiped his tree-trunk-sized arm to grab for him. The vampire moved so fast that one moment he was right in front of Vin, and with the next blink he was on the other end of the theater making a beeline for the exit.
“Coward!” Vin roared again, moving to pursue the necromancer, but Sharpe threw himself in Vincent’s path with his fangs bared. I couldn’t make out what happened next because Erik Thorn was leaping over the railing and landing in the aisle in front of me in a crouch.
Vampires all stood from their seats, but Erik held up a tattooed fist. “No one touches them! They’re ours to deal with.”
“That’s confident of you,” I said with a smirk.
The male straightened to his full height, which had to be two heads taller than me. “I’ve lived hundreds of years. Fought the most cutthroat of warriors. Seen countless battles. I can subdue a half-blood bitch whose head’s gotten too big for that little crown she wears.”
Rolling my eyes, I blew out an exasperated sigh. “When are you people going to get a clue and stop underestimating me? Maybe you’re not all that cunning of a coven after all.”
I was one to talk about cunning when I was taunting an ancient Viking warrior with a superiority complex, and who was fully clothed to boot. Not to mention the freaking sword that hung from his belt.
The blond-haired vampire snickered when he pulled the weapon from its sheath. Its blade caught the light, and the cobra-shaped pommel with rubies set in its eye sockets glittered as he held it before him.
Damn. It was a nice sword.
I scowled at him, holding my claw-tipped hands up as I waited for his attack. “What happened to not killing me?”
“I’m a master swordsman, Princess,” he mocked with a sardonic grin. “I could skin you with this blade and take off a few of your pretty little pieces for keepsakes and still keep your heartbeat roaring.”
My stomach churned at what he was implying. “Look. I’m not a bad person. I want to get that out on the record. But I’d be lying if I said I’m not going to enjoy humiliating you in front of your people, Thorn. ’Cause you’re a dick.”
“You think your confidence is inspiring, but it just makes you look like a fool. You have no hope of besting me in battle, little girl.”
Maybe he was right.
I wasn’t one hundred percent sure I’d be able to take him. But I was sure as shit gonna try.
My attention flicked to the box where Sharpe and Vincent were duking it out. Or rather, Vin kept swiping for the slippery viper of a vampire, who continued dodging his attacks.
I dropped my gaze back to Erik and gave him the sweetest of smiles I could muster. “I’m going to make you kneel before your queen, Thorn. And when I do, what piece of yours should I take for a keepsake?”
Chapter twenty-one
Bend the Knee