As I expected, it wobbled dangerously but did not break.

Considering the security Erik invested in, I doubted anything could bring down the front door, even a formidable male like my silver prince.

Eros was at Sterling’s side a beat later, staring at me through the glass with wild eyes.

“Ruby, don’t! Please.” The beseeching look in both men’s eyes caused my heart to constrict.

“I have to,” I mouthed to them as I edged away from the door, my heart rate building into a faster gallop with every step I took away from them and safety.

I turned my back to them, beckoning a shocked Lavinia to follow me to the elevator while I forced myself to leave the muffled pleas of my princes behind.

Chapter fifteen

Reckless Rescue

“ForgivemeifI’mbeing impertinent, Your Highness.” Lavinia cleared her throat, breaking the silence that had been filled only by elevator music as we made our way to the top floor. “But I believe you’re making a very foolish mistake. After all the trouble the princes went through to—”

“I won’t leave him,” I snapped, casting the girl a look that told her there was no point trying to change my mind.

The little blonde gave a huff, her arms folding over her chest. “Do you have a plan, at least? You better hope you do. We’re fortunate that no male is likely to try and breed you, even smelling as you do. Not when the word has spread of Lord Dagon’s plan to resurrect the old king to kill all who’ve touched you. But if anything, it’s going to make his task of forcing Prince Feral on you all the easier.”

“I want Feral to mark me.”

Lavinia looked at me like I had something grotesque crawling out of my nose. “Not while four hundred of your enemies watch, surely?”

I shrugged, turning my pointed glare on the elevator’s screen to watch the floor level tick up with astounding speed. We’d be at the top in no time. “Let them watch.”

A sputtering wheeze came from Lavinia’s direction as if she was choking on her air. “I understand your youngblood instincts are driving you toward your mate. But even buried deep in a lustful heat cycle, you must understand that it won’t be the Feral you know mating you. It will be your brother’s puppet. He won’t be gentle or kind. He’ll make him humiliate you.”

I gave a snort. “Vincent Feral wouldn’t be gentle or kind in any case. Dagon and his followers will see I’m not a weak mortal girl. I’m meant to be Feral’s mate. I can calm him. I made his beast submit to me at The Warehouse. As long as I can draw that part of him out, I can do it again.”

I glanced over my shoulder to see Lavinia’s blonde brows hitch high on her forehead. “Is that your plan? You’re going to attempt to bring out his fae side? How?”

“He needs pain to shift into his titan form. It doesn’t matter if Dagon gains control over Vincent. Sex with him is going to hurt either way. That pain might just be enough to bring out his monster.”

Now Lavinia regarded me like I was an escaped mental patient that had wiggled my way into the elevator with her by accident. To her credit, I fully acknowledged that I was being completely reckless and, yes, insane. Not to mention the fact that the mental image of Feral claiming me with every delicious, rock-hard inch he had to offer, made my mouth water and my thighs quiver.

I just hoped my plan to trigger Vincent’s fae side using the pain that would come naturally with our coupling wasn’t just my vagina weighing in on the matter. My overwhelming need for cock was annoying, considering the gravity of the situation here. But no, I was sure my plan had some merit to it.

Dagon was a necromancer who could control vampires. While Vincent was undead, he’d never been human. I doubted my brother could control the darker, more monstrous side of the feral king.

No, that part of him only answered to me.

We arrived at the top floor of the skyscraper with a chipper ding from the elevator. When the metal doors peeled open, five vampires were already heading down the hall toward us.

I slipped Lavinia a glance, my gaze roving down her dress, which was now splattered with blood. “If Erik or Sharpe question you, tell them you lost control of me. That I got to the prison to free Eros. He got away in time, but you managed to capture me.”

Lavinia’s lips thinned, and she gave a grave nod.

As the vampires neared, she shoved me roughly out of the elevator. “You must be looking for this. I caught her trying to sneak away. The bitch killed some of our men downstairs. Send someone to clean up the mess.”

“Yes, Miss Sharpe,” the only woman among them said. “Right away.”

“Has Lord Dagon begun the demonstration?”

“Yes, Miss Sharpe. Erik sent us to find her.”

“Right. Best not keep them waiting. Go now,” she commanded the woman, who scrambled into the elevator behind us. Lavinia pointed to the remaining four men. “Grab the princess. But mind you don’t touch anything you’re not supposed to, less you have a death wish.”