Sterling’s snow-white brow contorted with a scowl. “You won’t be any good to us dead, Lavinia.”
“Let me do this for you.”
There was a moment between them, an exchange. Even if he couldn’t see her, I knew Sterling could glean the way the immortal girl looked at him. Hell, her love for him practically bled from her, leaching into the air, making it stifling and hard to breathe. There was no way he wasn’t aware of how she pined for him.
For a moment, it appeared like he’d argue. That he wouldn’t let her take this risk for him when he could never pay her back in the way she wanted.
“Let her do it,” I interjected before he could speak.
A fleeting glimmer of relief passed over the girl’s face, a confident smile locking back into place. “The queen has spoken, Prince Sterling.”
Sterling glanced between Lavinia and me, then gave a solemn nod and pulled me alongside him out into the chilly Boston night.
Cars blurred pasts, their owners completely oblivious to all the bloodshed and horrors within the walls of the skyscraper.
The youngblood sat in the backseat of the Rolls-Royce, his wrists bound in front of him with handcuffs.
The fact that Eros had seemed to just produce those out of thin air had me snorting a laugh.
Eros was already in the driver’s seat, leaning over the center console, digging through the glove box. A moment later, he pulled out an orange canister filled with red pills and flung the bottle back at Corry, which hit him square in the chest before falling to the floor between his feet.
“Um, what am I supposed to do, pick them up with my dick?” the youngblood seethed, raising his bound wrists to display his immobility, the chain rattling.
“Pft. Yeah, if you could pull that off, maybe our girl would have already fucked you by now.”
“Oh, come on. You saw how she was getting ready to throw herself on me.”
Sterling released his grip from me to open the passenger door and gestured for me to get in.
“Let her sit back here, Ster. She can ride on my lap.” Corry smirked, ignoring Eros as he cackled like a hyena in the front seat.
I opened my mouth to show my enthusiasm for Corry’s offer, but my whole body went board-stiff when a familiar scent wafted from the Rolls-Royce’s leather interior.
The masculine musk was one I’d scented before, but it had never made my mouth water like this.
How had I forgotten him so easily? Was I so damn horny that I was ready to let myself be carted back home when my knight was still in the clutches of my brother?
My monster longed for her mate like never before.
A sorrowful whine stirred from my depths. The beast inside me lusted for the monster that lurked just beneath the surface of Vincent’s exterior.
And maybe that dark creature that fed on pain was the ticket to his freedom.
A wicked, insane, and incredibly fucked-up plan sprouted in my mind.
And the moment it did, I couldn’t push it away—wouldn’t push it away.
I knew what I had to do.
My fingers extracted the plastic keycard I’d stowed between my breast and the strap of my dress. I could only hope that it wasn’t just for the prison doors.
Reaching up, I curled my fingers around the back of Sterling’s neck and slapped a kiss to his stunned lips. “I love you. I love all of you.”
Before they could stop me, I flung myself backward through the sliding glass doorway of the BC’s lobby and slammed the keycard down onto the control pad that opened and closed the door.
To my relief, the glass doors slid shut. And not a second too soon. Sterling threw himself against the glass in an attempt to shatter it.