Eros lounged against his workbench, thick arms crossed over his chest. His gaze raked down my body. By his devious expression, you’d think I was wearing something lewd instead of an oversized sweater and sweatpants.

“You’re still in heat, doll. Ster’s right. Dagon’s up to something. For all we know, he’s got his men sitting right outside our territory, ready to snatch you up again. Sure, you can probably crush them all with your pinky, but we can’t take risks. Your brother needs your blood for the ritual to resurrect the vampire king. And that’s a reunion I’m not interested in attending. So if we’re going to venture off the property, we have to be sneaky about it.”

“We can’t have you smelling so fertile and fuckable,” Vin muttered, his tone rough with hunger. “So we can wait it out, or we can—”

“Fuck me,” I finished for him. It was really a no-brainer. Option B all day long. I was eager to go on the hunt for my mom, but it would be a pretty stupid move to leave when every male within a few square miles would be able to pick up my scent.

Besides, my monster was getting pretty desperate for dick. Every hour that passed that she didn’t get it, my body got wetter, hotter, more sensitive.

Thank bloody fuck for the fact that the primal thing inside me didn’t know about birth control and my current inability to reproduce. So long as I got laid, she’d be satisfied.

Vin and Eros exchanged another one of their looks, but this one had me weak with need. Vincent began to circle me like a predator closing in on his prey. “We’ve been talking. You said you wanted us to get along. What did she suggest? That we should play a game together?”

Eros bobbed his head, wicked shadows roiling behind his eyes. “And we have just the game, doll.”

I worried my lip, trying to keep the dark glee from showing on my face. I kept my expression blank, only the quirk of my brows betraying faint interest. Not that I could play coy with these two. They knew just how wet I was for them, how eager I was to let them throw me between them like a toy.

“What kind of game?”

Vincent stopped circling and stood in front of me. He canted his head, his demeanor growing heady with his aroma of electricity and testosterone. “We’d like to indulge in your darkest fantasies.”

“My...darkest fantasies.” A shiver shot through me, sinking straight through my core to settle between my thighs. “Involving both of you?” The question came out barely more than a squeak. It’s not like I was shy about sex. As future queen of the vampires with four mates, I got over that real quick. Still. If this was about playing out one of my fantasies, this was about to get real kinky and really twisted, fast.

Vin arched forward, dropping his mouth to the shell of my ear as he nuzzled my hair with his nose. He was close enough that I knew he could feel the wild beat of my heart. “With the collection of mates at your disposal and our proven set of talents, there has to be something you’d like to do. Something you’re too embarrassed to ask Corry and Sterling for.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and focused on steadying my breath.

“I’ve imagined us causing enough pain to—to fuel just enough of Vin to....” My cheeks flushed. Shit. I couldn’t even say it.

“Come on, Princess. You don’t need to be embarrassed about the shit that turns you on. Not with us.”

I opened my eyes, staring up at Vin like a sacrificial virgin before her god. “The night on stage when I fucked you in your monster form, you were huge. Would you be able to do that with just your cock? Not make it so big, just shift it. To something kind of—”


My blush deepened. “Yeah. Nothing too weird. Something I’d like.” I paused for a beat to steel my nerves. “So long as you don’t have to hurt me too much.”

“Oh, babygirl,” Eros strode over to us so his chest pressed into my shoulder blades, pinning me against Vin. He stroked his knuckles down my jawline before settling to cup my chin. “We wouldn’t dream of hurting you on your birthday. I’ll take the pain. In fact, this works out perfectly with my second gift.”


The vampire dropped his hand from me and strode to the furnace. Flipping a switch, the flames kicked on with a roar, washing everything in an ominous amber sheen. He came back with a long silver rod. It was one of the brands he used on his victims. He held it out for me.

Taking it, I examined the end. My mouth went dry, seeing what was stamped on the end. “Property of Queen Ruby Renada?”

“To brand your enemies. This one will be best for those under our jurisdiction who decide to betray us. You’ll decide how severe the crime needs to be to land them a shiny new scar like this. It’s silver so it will last. For now, you can brand me with it.”

My jaw dropped. “You want me to brand you?”

Eros’ eyes twinkled with mirth, like he found my horror amusing. “You’re so adorable, Princess. What kind of respectable vampire would I be if I couldn’t take the same kind of pain I dish out?”

His attention flicked to Vin. “This will be enough for you and your freaky cock magic, right? But nothing else. We can’t be giving you too much after what happened last night.”

“For once, I agree with you. It should be enough for a minor shift. Nothing more.”

Eros tongued one of his piercings. “That’s a pretty good start. What other dirty nightmares have crossed your mind, doll? That can’t be the only thing.”

I knew exactly what I wanted. But something kept me from telling them. From what I’d seen on TV, it was wrong to fantasize about things like that...I didn’t like to be made to feel bad for the shit that went on in my own head. It wasn’t anyone else’s business anyway. It was still a struggle to let my guys in on the dark musings of my mind.