Arms coming around his neck, her fingers dug into his hair. “I feared it hadn’t worked. I feared you wouldn’t figure it out.”

“One way or another I would have discovered which was the real you. Elora’s farce would no’ have lasted much longer.”

Murmurs in the crowd began to rise, the villagers looking more alert with each passing second. “What happened,” some asked. “We’re free,” others exclaimed. A few seemed to realize they’d been under a spell, while others appeared utterly confused.

“Prince Khalstorm saved us,” someone announced, and all eyes turned to him and Celeste.

He faced them. “Not only I. Celeste saved you as well. She bravely fought her own devious mother to do so.”

Elora screeched in protest, struggling against Rayu’s tight hold on her upper arm.

A woman stepped forward, her gaze locked on Celeste. “Wait, I remember you. You were at the castle the night the king and queen died. You were part of the . . . the coup.” Her eyes went wide as if it all came rushing back. “You betrayed us all.”

“No’ true,” he quickly defended. “She was never involved in Elora’s plot.”

“I was as shocked by the events of that night as anyone else. I had no idea what my mother intended.” She hesitated. “Though I did suspect she was plotting something. I am guilty of that.”

Khalstorm cupped her cheek. He hated to see such sorrow and regret buried deep in her eyes. “You were a young woman taught to follow and obey orders. Just as we are taught. No one can fault you for that.” He addressed the crowd. “When she was told to kill Lizbet that night, she refused. Even though she was madly in love with me.”

“I don’t know about madly,” she smiled, then grew serious. “I could never hurt anyone like that, but especially someone who could have made you happy. And I was never so naive as to believe you and I had a future.”

Again the crowd broke into murmurs.

Khalstorm bent to whisper in her ear. “As far as the future is concerned, all I see is you.” She blinked up at him and he let his words sink in before he took her lips with his to an aria of gasps and outrage. She kissed him back, uncaring of their audience.

“But she’s a witch,” he heard from the crowd. He broke the kiss to declare, “Yes! My mate is a witch who bravely risked her own life to defend this kingdom and its people, who sacrificed her place in her own clan to do so and who has saved my life several times over. She is honorable and admirable and respectable. I will return as your king if you can accept her as your queen, otherwise I go where my mate goes.”

Celeste slipped her hand into his in a show of solidarity.

The murmurs from the crowd revived, a bit more subdued this time.

Rayu stepped forward with a frown. “You’re forgetting I must take you back to Windguard. You’re still technically a convict, and it’s no’ up to me to set you free. Though with Elora in custody and the testimony of Celeste and everyone here, I have no doubt you’ll be swiftly exonerated.”

“I will return with you, Rayu, without a fuss, but first I want my people settled back in Garnath, with or without me as their king. Will you allow that?”

Stern look in place, Rayu considered him for a long moment, then gave a curt nod. He could see that Rayu now believed his claims, even seeming relieved by the turn of events. They’d once been friends. Perhaps they could be again.

* * *

Turned out Khalstorm’s people were desperate for strong leadership. After having settled them in their rightful home, he’d kept his promise and returned to Windguard with Rayu. The King and Queen of Windguard gave him a full pardon. After which, he’d returned to Garnath with Celeste to help rebuild. He was shocked to find his people more than willing to accept him as their king . . . and her as their unorthodox queen. Though many were still wary of her, somehow they trusted his judgment. Almost all of their true memories had returned and many recall Celeste as a sweet and kind girl. Unusually honorable for a witch. Though they’d been through hell with Elora, they were still willing to give her a chance.

Of course, before he could take his throne, he'd had to challenge the current ruler, a bruiser named Gregor who had once been in the King’s guard. No one was surprised when Khalstorm defeated Gregor with swift proficiency. He'd been trained from infancy to crush any challenge that came his way and keep his title.

Xanthia had remained at Windguard for a few extra days to fulfill her promise to break the curse on Orik’s mate, Jessie. Apparently, the reversal spell had been quite involved, but successful in the end. Rathmort could no longer track Jessie’s movements.

Soon after, Xanthia journeyed to join them at Garnath.

Celeste was ecstatic to finally reunite with her sister. Now the two were practically inseparable, chatting excitedly and reacquainting themselves with one another. They had a lot of catching up to do. Khalstorm didn’t mind. He loved seeing Celeste so happy, and he quite liked Xanthia. She was welcome to stay at Garnath as long as it pleased her.

Elora was now residing in his old cell, making a ruckus daily, or so he’d heard. Before leaving, Xanthia had placed extra protections on the castle, in case Rathmort attempted an insurrection . . . or ratheranotherone. He’d targeted Windguard not too long ago, even while occupying Garnath. Khalstorm had to wonder what his endgame was. He was fairly certain they hadn’t seen the last of him.

Khalstorm stood in the throne room, staring at the set of thrones where his mother and father had once sat and governed and where he would now do the same. He’d never properly mourned their loss. He supposed his people hadn’t either, what with their memories stripped and altered. Perhaps his first act as king would be to arrange a memorial in their honor. A day of celebration. The gods knew the kingdom could use it.

He thought he was alone, but a soft hand folded around his. He glanced over to see Celeste had sidled up next him. “We’ll do something to honor their memory,” she said decidedly.

“They’d like that.”

“I may not have known them very well, but I’m sure they would be proud of you for reuniting the kingdom.”