A crease formed on Rayu’s brow, his weapon lowering a touch. “You wish tosafeguardthe woman you claim killed your fiancé and brought down your kingdom?”

Celeste cringed at the idea that others believed her capable of such dastardly things.

Elora decided to pipe in again. “It wasn’t me. It was my mother.” She jerked her head at Celeste. Kill her and you’ll see. She’ll turn back into her original form.”

Celeste shot her an expression of disbelief. “You really are a nasty piece of work.”

Rayu sidled up next to Khalstorm to get a better look at the girls. “I have it. We simply cart them both back to the palace and lock them up. Figure out who’s who later.”

“Easier said than done,” Khalstorm replied. “Elora’s more vicious than you can imagine. More resourceful too. If you haven’t noticed, the townsfolk are ready to attack us. She has them under a spell.”

Rayu surveyed the area with a frown. “Hmm. Looks like they’re waiting for something.” Sure enough, the townspeople were brandishing weapons of their own, positioning themselves to attack, yet warily biding their time.

Why was Elora holding them back? Because she believed she could convince Khalstorm and the others she was the true Celeste without violence? Or because any slip of Khalstorm’s blade could end her life? Either way, Celeste was glad for the reprieve.

Elora continued her campaign. “Khalstorm, I remember the first time we made love. I fell in love with you that day. I’ve loved you ever since.”

Celeste ground her teeth at hearing her mother say these words to her lover, even if they were uttered in her own voice. But then she was smacked with a delicious idea. “Khalstorm, Idon’tlove you.”

His head jerked around to pin her with his gaze.

“I have never loved you.”

His eyes narrowed.

Elora responded in a confounded tone. “What? Of course I love you. I’ve loved you ever since our first dance together.”

“Nope.” Celeste shook her head, holding his gaze. “Hated you before that. Hated you after. I hate it every time you touch me. Your kisses are unbearable.”

Rayu let out a clipped chuckle. “This one’s certainly no’ fond of you.”

“Clearly,” replied Khalstorm in a dark timbre. “And if there’s one thing I’m absolutely sure of, it’s that the real Celeste loves me more than anything. Could never say such vile things.”

Pulling them both up, he shoved Celeste at Rayu. “Hold her, but donna harm her yet.” Complying, Rayu caged her wrists behind her back with one of his big hands and placed the cool edge of his blade at her neck. Holding her like this meant that if she sifted, he’d only come along for the ride.

Shocked, she watched as Khalstorm pulled Elora into his arms, gazing down at her as if he intended to kiss her. Meanwhile, Elora stared up at him with faux adoration. The sight sent Celeste’s stomach reeling. Somehow Elora managed to shoot her a surreptitious victorious grin.

Has my plan backfired?Did Khalstorm not realize she’d purposefully lied. What if he hadn’t seen or heard thistellhe claimed she had.

Am I about to lose everything?


Khalstorm held Celeste firmly in his embrace, gazing down at her. She gave him that smile that usually melted his heart and enchanted his soul, but this time

. . . he felt nothing. “As I was saying, Celeste would never say such vile things . . . unless she was intentionally lying.”

He watched with satisfaction as realization poured down Elora’s face, that false smile slipping. In a flash, he restrained her hands behind her back using those magic-suppressing cuffs. He’d swiped them from the ground earlier after knocking the wind out of them both, which he’d hated doing, knowing Celeste would be in pain alongside Elora, but his choices had been limited.

As soon as the cuffs locked around her wrists, Elora’s disguise immediately slipped away, revealing her true visage. Irate, she let out a banshee cry that pierced his ears as she struggled against his grip, but he held fast. She was now as weak as a baby bird compared to him, with no magic available to her.

All around, the villagers seemed as though they were coming out of a trance, some dropping their weapons, others grabbing and shaking their heads as though to clear a fog. Elora’s spell was lifting.

Celeste, the real one, exhaled a breath of relief so deep her whole body sagged. Then she gave him that smile. The one that melted his heart and enchanted his soul . . . and he felt it to his core.

Rayu released her to take custody of Elora, and Celeste ran into his open arms.

Pulling her tight into his embrace, he planted several kisses atop her head, her face, her lips. “That was bloody brilliant,” he told her between kisses.