“No, I’m Celeste. Please. She’s hurting me.”
Khalstorm appeared torn, confused, wanting to act but forced to hold back. He chuffed and grunted his displeasure then lifted his head to let out a terrifying roar into the sky.
That pressure increased. Celeste reinforced her magic, but her ability to hold Elora was wavering. In the next instant, a magical blast from Elora broke her hold and made her stumble back. With a rageful screech, Elora flew toward her, power gathered in her palms.She plans to end this.
Preparing to fight for her life, she raised her own magic-filled palms—
A solid brick wall slammed into her.
Wavering darkness. Nausea. Stars exploding in her vision. She gasped for breath, her lungs burning from the sudden and absolute loss of oxygen while hot pain radiated over her torso.
Her vision cleared. She was laid out flat. A figure stood over her.
He was in his bipedal form. He had her at knifepoint. Not just her. A second blade was trained on Elora, still sporting her Celeste disguise.
Unable to determine which of them was which, he’d taken them both down with a bone-rattling swipe of his massive dragon tail, metal kissing their necks. Neither of them dared move or sift for fear of losing their heads.
“My love,” Elora pleaded. “Now’s your chance. Kill her and we’re free. This town is free.”
His intense gaze darted between them, studying their features for clues. There were no marked differences. He glanced at the villagers who’d begun to gather once more—though they remained at a safe distance. Elora wouldn’t have them attack when her head was seconds from being taken.
Celeste’s heart sank when she realized Khalstorm’s only move to break Elora’s spell and save the people of this village was to eliminate them both.
Sighing, she relaxed, letting her head drop back in acceptance. “Khalstorm, I don’t blame you for what you must do. I just ask that you make it quick.”
His brows knitted. Suspicion crept between his eyes. “Reveal yourself, Elora, and I promise no’ to kill you.”
“You must!” Elora cried. “Or she will surely kill you.” Elora’s voice quivered perfectly, sounding as if she were actually concerned for him. Her talent for manipulation was masterful.
Just then the sound of giant flapping wings descended from above. A dark shadow crossed over them.
When the dragon touched down several yards away, Khalstorm’s body tensed, and the blade pressed harder into Celeste’s skin. This was it. He’d kill them both before this newcomer could attack and ruin what could be his only chance to rescue his people.
The massive dragon touched down several yards away. Khalstorm braced himself. Seconds later his expression changed, his eyes widening, jaw dropping. She craned her neck to see a white-haired figure slide down from the dragon’s back.
Xanthia’s gaze swept the scene before landing on Khalstorm and the identical Celestes with understandable shock. “Khalstorm?” she said. “What in the world . . . ?”
Instead of answering, his gaze swung around to the dragon, already transforming to his two-legged form. Celeste had a vague recollection of the male, thought he was a soldier from the kingdom of Windguard, but couldn’t place his name. Khalstorm was gawking at him with his mouth drawn open.
“Yeah, yeah,” the soldier grumbled. “I let her ride me. Get over it. Besides . . .” He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Khalstorm, “You have more important things to worry about than my indiscretion. Like the extension to your sentence for escaping custody.”
“I have even bigger things to worry about than that,” Khalstorm jerked his chin at the two women pinned by his blades, seemingly unconcerned by the soldier’s threat.
“Let my sister up this instant,” Xanthia demanded. “And why are there two of them?”
At that, all three of them spoke at once, vying to explain the situation.
Khalstorm said, “One of them is Elora. Donna know which—”
“Mother has disguised herself as me—” Celeste blurted.
“Is it really you, Xanthia?” Elora simpered, “You must help me. Mother has taken my form and Khalstorm plans to kill us both.”