With all his might, he held back his release, panting heavily. “Canna last like this!” Somehow he found the strength to pull away. Celeste gazed up at him, her lovely features bathed in moonlight, her eyes sparkling. She almost looked too beautiful to be real. “Need to be inside you.”

* * *

“Yes,” she breathed, drinking in the glorious sight of him looming over her, his muscles glistening before her.

“Dreamt of this,” he muttered in a voice filled with awe. His hands shook as he reached for her. “Fear I’m still dreaming.”

“If this is a dream, then waking would be the greatest cruelty.”

Gaze rapt, his hands traveled up her sides, leaving a trail of heat behind. His palms were shaking slightly as they came to rest atop her breasts, and his thumbs slowly circled her nipples. She practically purred for him. Her body was primed. He had her ready to beg. So why wasn’t he inside her already?

“Gods, how I’ve missed that sound.” His mesmerized gaze roamed over her as though she were a mythical creature. “Are you ready, beautiful?” he reached down to finger her wetness.

“Yes! Please!” Her sumptuous body writhed when he slipped a finger inside. “Please! I need you!”

“Not yet,” he muttered in a rough tone. “Having too much fun watching you unravel.”

“Why are you torturing me?”

His chuckle was devilish. “Impatient little witch.” Then he grew serious. “You’re still very tight. It’s been a while for both of us. I doona want to hurt you.”

“You won’t,” she moaned. “Please, you’re driving me crazy.”

“No more than myself. Open your legs for me, love, and I’ll end both our misery.”

When she did as he asked, he gazed hungrily at her glistening sex.

Positioning himself, he nudged her entrance. That small contact had her writhing in pleasure.

“Try to stay still, love. You’ve always been too good at making me lose control. As it is, I may not last long. I could come just looking at you.”

“Then it’s a good thing we have all night,” she countered, bucking her hips defiantly.

Half growling, half groaning, he pressed forward

She gasped, her sheath stretching around him. Gritting his teeth, muscles straining, he slowly eased deeper. Too slowly. Willing to wait no further, she reached around and dug her nails into the rigid muscles of his ass, forcing him to bury himself to the hilt. He slammed home. He appeared shocked, the tendons in his neck straining as though pained, even as they moaned in unison.

“Impatient witch.” He clasped her waist, drawing her harder against him.

Pleasure spiked through her. Her nails dug in harder. “Unh!” She cried out. Her hips bucked uncontrollably. He began to thrust, driving yet more shattering spasms through her. “Oh, gods! Oh, gods. YES!”

Guttural sounds left his lungs.

He reached out to grip her by the nape, pulling their foreheads together. “Never letting you go again.”

“I don’t want you to.” Their bodies writhed, feeding pleasure to one another. His hips jerked helplessly between her legs. The friction was bliss, building to a crescendo. Building . . . building . . .

Frightening pleasure tore through her. She threw her head back on a scream.

“Ahh! Feel you gripping me. Milking me. So fucking good!Ah, gods, ah, fuck—”

The force of his release wrenched a bellow from his lungs.

Sensations engulfed her. Yet another orgasm plowed its way through her every nerve. Heat thrashing, she met his frenzied thrusts, her lungs emptying on a scream.

On and on it rippled through her, until the pleasure finally dimmed. With a final thrust, he fell limp atop her, his weight welcome. She cradled him in her arms, running her hands along his back and catching her breath.

He raised his head, his gaze hooded. “Did I hurt you?”