He kept his pace steady, driving in and out of her with measured thrusts, bliss assaulting his every nerve. Still, he held himself in check . . . until her hips began to rock to his rhythm, urging him on and making it impossible not to increase his pace, drive deeper, sink into a mindless web of carnal sensations. Rational thought evacuated.

Soon he was pounding her to the erotic vision of her tits bouncing, the sounds of her ardent moans and flesh slapping against flesh.

She turned her head to bury her cries in his shoulder, opening her mouth and nipping him as though to mark her territory. It drove him wild.

Clasping his arm around her waist, he held her close as his hips pistoned.

Her seductive moans turned to groans and then became throaty screams against the ball of his shoulder. He’d never felt so much passion for a woman before, or such honor that she would choose him as the one to introduce her to such heavenly pleasure.

Surging in and out, he bent to take one of her taut nipples between his teeth, tonguing her until she arched for him. Her hand snaked around the back of his neck, clutching him to her as she cried out. “Ahhh!” Her heat thrashed. Her body writhed. Her hot little core clenched and convulsed around his hard shaft, milking him.

“I can . . . unh . . . feel you . . . coming.” His pace grew frantic as he hovered on the edge of release. “’bout to follow . . .” His cock swelled even more as he felt his seed climb up his shaft. Body growing ridged, vision blurring, he gave one last needful thrust. With a bellow, his orgasm shuddered through him. Too much pleasure, overwhelming him. Shattering him. On and on it went, his body no longer under his control as it pounded her wicked little pussy relentlessly, drawing out the pleasure as her clenching channel worked to wring the last drop from him, until finally fatigue forced him to grow still.

There were enough brain cells firing in his head to keep him from totally collapsing onto her, his locked elbows propping him up, his head buried in her neck. Her heavy breaths fanned out along his back.

Slowly reason returned and he gathered enough sense to be horrified by how rough he’d been. She must think him an animal.

He feared looking up at her. Feared seeing the hurt and betrayal in her eyes. But then she began petting him, running her dainty fingers along his back and shoulders as if in praise. When he did glance up, he saw that she was lying with her eyes closed, a little grin curling her lips.

It put him at ease. And he didn’t think she could look any more beautiful.

He wanted to worship her body for the rest of the night. The rest of the week. Hell, forever was looking pretty tempting. He was contemplating making her come again with his mouth when her stomach growled.

She laughed. “I guess I’ve worked up an appetite.”

He nuzzled her breast, nipping her, making her yelp. “As did I, but not for food.” He gave her a sly grin. “Let’s get you fed. You’re going to need your energy.”

He spent the rest of the night feeding her sweets and finding different ways to make her squeal.


Celeste shivered, the cool night air seeping through her sodden cloak. Her waterlogged feet ached from plodding through the sopping forest all day. Patches of mud had dried on her skin, itching like mad. And looming exhaustion made it difficult to keep her heavy eyes open.

She refused to complain, however. She wouldn’t give Khalstorm the satisfaction of knowing how miserable she was.

But at least she was full. He’d managed to create a makeshift pouch from a large leaf, and they’d filled it with berries, munching as they’d walked in tense silence. After he’d fed her a couple, his gaze had warmed and flared with something other than hate. But then he’d grown terse once more, eyeing her with resentment.

“We are nearly there,” he suddenly informed her, then muttered as though to himself, “if the town still exists.

“We’re going to a town?” Dread crept over her. “Full of dragons?”

“Well, it’s sure as shit no’ full of witches.”

“Won’t they want to . . . hurt me?” What a silly question when she was walking alongside a man with that singular intent.

“Which is why you are to keep your head covered and remain inconspicuous. You doona look overmuch like a witch, and with your magic muted, you doona smell like one either. You could pass as a very small dragon.” He pinned her with an arresting stare. “Just doona try to run from me. You’ll no’ want to be without my protection.”

She shuddered, then scoffed. “Yeah, until it’s you who wants to hurt me.”

He glowered, then pushed forward and shoved his way through the thick brush. Reluctantly, she followed . . . then blinked back her surprise when they emerged on the edge of a village. The two moons in the sky provided enough light that she could see a handful of huts lying in ruins, but the majority of the buildings still stood proudly, though a bit disheveled with creeping vines and peeling paint. It was a far cry from the pristine structures that surrounded the base of Garnath castle.

Khalstorm pulled her close to his side as they started down an alleyway that led to a promenade encircling a dry, cracked fountain that might have been picturesque if it were in working order. Surrounding the promenade were an array of two and three-story shops, seemingly closed for the night. A few of the upper windows were lit by soft, flickering light, giving Celeste the impression that the shopkeepers lived there.

Across the way, she spotted a couple of brawny, shadowy figures. She tensed and drew closer to Khalstorm. The action seemed to surprise him. Then he followed her gaze, his night vision far better than hers. “Just locals conversing. Behave as though you belong, and we’ll draw no attention.”

He guided her across the pavement toward a wide side street, appearing as though he knew exactly where he was going. If this was an old dragon village, perhaps he did. Halfway down the street, he grumbled something that sounded like, “Been too long since I’ve had a drink,” then guided her into a dimly lit tavern. The second floor doubled as an inn. Were they here to drink or sleep? Either way should lead to getting off her feet.

Her anxiety heightened when she saw a few of the tables were occupied. A busty barmaid nodded at them from behind the bar.