She laughed. “Well, that was easy because the question caught me off guard and made me smile.”

“Okay, here’s another one. Do you like me?”

Her head reared back. “Well of course I like you. Oops, sorry, I was supposed to lie.”

“No, I mean . . . do youlikeme?”

Her mouth dropped open as his meaning sank in. Twitch. Twitch. “You mean like . . . romantically? No. I wouldn’t . . . we aren’t . . . you’re a prince. And a dragon. And I’m a witch. It would be completely ridiculous . . . why are you grinning like that?”

“Because you’re lying.”

“I am not.” Twitch. Twitch. Twitch.

“Did you enjoy it when we kissed?”

Her gaze darted nervously. Then she bit her lip and shook her head. Twitch.

He stepped closer to her. “Do you want to kiss me again?” There was no way he was stopping now. Not when he was getting the answers he so desperately wanted.

Again, her expression turned shocked. As if she’d lost the ability to speak, she once again shook her head from side to side while searching his features . . . and her nose twitched and crinkled.

“Lie,” he announced confidently. I’m going to kiss you now,” he warned, closing in on her. She backed up as he approached but did nothing else to try to evade him. If she truly didn’t want this, she could simply sidestep him, and he would accept it as her rejection. Or she could sift away. But she only stared at him in utter astonishment.

When her back met the bookshelf, he gripped the shelves beside her, caging her in. Her eyes dilated. He could practically hear her heart speeding up . . . to match his own, already pounding with anticipation. “Do you want me to?”

For several moments she didn’t respond, and he feared she might say no again. And if she did, even if her nose twitched this time, he’d back away and end their encounter.

But she didn’t say no. Instead, her stunning gaze slipped to his lips, and she gave the slightest of nods—her adorable little nose smooth and still.

He wanted to roar in triumph.

As he leaned in, she went on her toes, meeting him halfway, and their lips met for the second glorious time.

It was just as mind-rocking as the first, the feel of her soft mouth molding to his, accepting him, teasing him with her tongue as his delved out to meet hers.

Groaning, he slipped his arm around the small of her back and pulled her supple body against his, loving the feel of her heat, her curves.

When her arms came possessively around his neck, he lost a little of his self-control. Pressing her body against the bookshelf, he lifted her at the waist. Instinctively, her legs wrapped around him. Then they were both lost in passion. His hips rocked suggestively, and she let out a little moan as though the friction was bliss against her core.

But then she suddenly pulled away, panting. “Don’t toy with me, Khalstorm. I . . . I like you more than I should.” She closed her eyes as if the admission hurt.

Holding her aloft with one hand, he crooked his finger under her chin, guiding her to look at him. “Ah, little witch, you should no’ have told me that. Now I will never leave you alone.”

Her lips parted and he felt a shudder course though her. When he lowered his head and claimed her lips again, she moaned for him. The sound nearly drove him mad with lust. He was seconds away from carting her to the closest nook and tearing off both their clothes when voices sounded from below.

She tensed. “Let me down. We can’t be caught like this.”

Gripping her tighter, trailing his lips down her jaw, he growled against her skin. “Don’t give a damn.” She felt too good where she was.

Sighing, her head lulled to the side for more of his tender kisses. “You might later.”

He shook his head, preparing to allay her worries with another kiss—

Suddenly his head swam with vertigo and his vision blurred. One second he’d been upright, holding her in his arms, in the next, he was dropped onto his back.

When he regained his senses, he realized they were no longer in the library at all, but in Celeste’s bedchamber . . . on her bed . . . while she straddled him. She had just sifted them.
