“Clearly unwise of me.”


To her delight, he’d insisted on dancing the next two dances with her, showing extreme patience with her clumsiness—in fact, he seemed to find her all the more charming for it. Strange man.

By the end of the evening, she felt oddly buoyant, as though she’d just experienced a waking dream.

When it was time to bid him goodnight, he brought her knuckles to his lips and planted a soft kiss there, making her heart flutter. Then he dared to flip her palm and place another soft kiss on her inner wrist.

A shiver raced through her core as she watched him walk away, taking her breath, and a part of her heart, with him.

She recalled the way he had looked at her that night, with burgeoning interest and desire, but also puzzlement, as though confounded by his own attraction.

Now his gaze was hard and distrustful. He still gripped her by the wrist, completely unconcerned by his own nudity.

It was clear how differently he felt about her now. He couldn’t make it more obvious. Unfortunately, her own attraction to him had not dimmed in the least. As fury poured from him, she couldn’t stop from drinking in the sight of all that tanned, chiseled flesh. She had to battle the urge to reach out and run her fingertips along the peaks and valleys of his muscles. She glanced lower . . .

Maybe his feelings for herweren’tso clear, because he was fully aroused.

During her blissful time with him all those years ago, her body had been conditioned to respond to his. Still was. Latent hunger flashing through her system, heating her blood and quickening her pulse. Her nipples stiffened and her core heated with building desire.

His eyes narrowed on her and then grew wide with realization, his muscles growing tense. She flushed, resentful that he could so easily sense the slightest change in her body, scenting her arousal. It made her feel vulnerable and laid bare.

She expected him to mock and ridicule her. Instead, he placed her palm flat on his chest. The beat of his heart thrummed under her touch. With a shuddering breath, she met his gaze, expecting to see that familiar desire there. But veiled anger marched behind those dark eyes instead, and she sensed danger. She braced herself for what was to come.


“You think to seduce me?” Khalstorm grated, feeling out of his head with lust after scenting her arousal. He was like an addict suddenly reintroduced to his drug of choice. It flooded him with memories of exploring her body at his leisure, taking his time and making her squirm for him for hours and hours before allowing her to finally come. The beast in him growled to sate himself, to sate them both, over and over again until they collapsed in glorious ecstasy.

Somehow he managed to keep himself in check.I refused to succumb to the temptation of my enemy. No matter how irresistible she smelled.

Her pupils were heavily dilated as she locked eyes with him in that way that begged him to take her. She shook her head in denial, but then licked those full red lips as though to tempt him further.

As he’d predicted, he’d caught her going after his sword breaker, hoping to use it against him. He’d anticipated the amusement of her misery when she failed, had been eager for it, but instead of devastation, her gaze had turned liquid with lust. The scent of her arousal was muddling his mind, and his own body gave an answering call, his cock as hard as iron. Though he knew all of this was a ploy on her part, his suddenly blood-deprived brain told him it was perfectly logical to toss her on the bed and cover her with his body.

“Then why do I scent your arousal?” Slowly, he drew her hand down his torso, testing her. Teasing her. Her touch left a trail of fire in its wake. How far would she take this? How much could he withstand?

She swallowed and began to tremble, her gaze following the trajectory of her hand. His muscles flexed under her touch, his body coming to life. When she licked her lips again, he nearly groaned. Perhaps he should let this play out? They could both use a release. The pressure was building to a fever pitch. At this rate, the first brush of her palm along his shaft would make him explode. Didn’t matter. He knew from experience he could make her come from a few sensuous flicks of his tongue. He smiled at the prospect.

She blinked up at him from under her lashes and it was as though she awoke from a trance. She tore her hand away. The sudden fierceness in her gaze roused his lust to impossible heights. “I would never make love to someone who was planning to torture me.” She stole one last look at his body and turned away.

Dismissing me?

He scowled. “Make love? What a fanciful, naïve way of putting it.” He leaned down to mutter in her ear. “If wefucked, it would be nothing more than animal rutting.”

She whirled on him and raised her chin. “Not even if you begged.”

“I’d sooner beg for a kick to the bollocks.”

“Oh, you wouldn’t have to beg for that.”

Glowering, he retrieved the sword breaker from the floor. “And what did you plan to do with this?”

“Nothing. I wasn’t even looking for that.”

He cast her a condescending look. “Why don’t I believe you?”

“Because you want to believe the worst of me. You probably put that there to entrap me.”