“Where are we going?”As if they were embarking on a joint venture.

“Instead of answering, he posed a question of his own, one that had been niggling at the back of his mind: “Why were you imprisoned?” Xanthia had suggested it was because she disobeyed orders from her coven. But why would she disobey? Regrets over what she’d done to Lizbet? The reminder sent renewed rage through his system.

Her shadow froze for a moment. “You won’t believe me.”

“Try me.”

The water shut off. “I don’t suppose there’s a towel out there.”

“You’re free to look.” With that, he shrugged out of his clothes, tossed them on the mattress, and then slipped past the curtain. The only warning he gave was, “It’s my turn to shower.”

She yelped, and darted to the opposite side of the curtain, but not before he’d caught a glimpse of her mesmerizing backside.

Holy gods, that body.

Just as supple and lean as he remembered. His muscles grew taut, his body responding with mind-boggling need. He was supposed to be the one tormenting her, but it seemed to be the other way around.

His suffering would be worth it. Once they were safely away from Garnath, he wouldn’t have to worry about her coven, she’d be his to do with as he pleased. Until then, he planned to amuse himself by toying with her. Eager for it.

He restarted the shower, listening for her next attempt at escape.

* * *

Still soaking wet, Celeste wrung out her hair as best she could and then donned her old, tattered shift dress, wishing she had something—anything—else to wear. The thin material clung to her damp skin, shaping to every curve.

She shot a glare over her shoulder, expecting to find Khalstorm ogling her from behind the certain. What she found instead was a near perfect view of his naked body through the gossamer sheet.

She gnashed her teeth. He’d had this same view of her and said nothing. Had let her keep showering while he’d watched.


She was about to rail at him. Instead she found herself transfixed by his hardened body, all that muscle on perfect display. Steam rose up, concealing much of his lower half, but she thought she caught a glimpse of his stiffened erection.

A wave of heat slammed into her, so intense she nearly doubled over. She whirled around, willing her arousal to wane before Khalstorm was alerted. With his superior sense of smell, he could detect the slightest change in her pheromones. Not that she thought he’d care. She just didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing she still found him attractive.

Her gaze landed on the pile of his clothes strewn over the edge of the mattress. Hadn’t he placed the key to her enchanted cuffs in one of those pockets?

Lurching forward, she rifled through his clothes, searching . . . searching . . .

At the bottom of the pile, shiny metal gleamed. She picked the object up before realizing what it was—that strange looking dagger. Flashbacks of a dagger in her grip dripping with blood assailed her.

So much blood—

Instantly appalled, she dropped it and backed away . . . and plowed into a wall of hard, wet muscle.

In a forbidding tone, Khalstorm grated, “And what were you planning to do with that?”

Adrenaline coursing, she wheeled around to face him…and was thunderstruck by the sight of all his glorious nudity. That chiseled body always used to make her feel weak in the knees.

Apparently it still did.

His tanned skin was smooth as silk over tempered steel. His muscles flexed sensuously.

More heat bombarded her, and she imagined him writing atop her as she ran her nails over his generous pecs.

His stern gaze dipped to where the material of her dress molded to her breasts, her nipples straining. Flames of desire consumed his riveted eyes. A precarious moment passed, the air around them thrumming, neither of them making a move.

The moment felt monumental.