“Maps of the region.”

“For the next part of the race?”

“No. We won’t get those until we’re permitted to disembark.” He couldn’t tell if she was just curious, or if she was angling to get her hands on those again.

She rested her head on his shoulder. “So you’re just sitting here looking at maps that you probably won’t need for the race?”


“Does it calm you?”

The question caught him off guard. “I suppose.” It was better than watching the feed with its constant replays of Onnika’s brush with death.

“If I said I was sorry I scared you, would you believe me?”

Again, that wasn’t what he expected. “Maybe, if you meant it.”

“I do. Not that I would do anything different, mind you.”

Dumbfounded, he finally met her gaze, “You wouldn’t?”

She traced a line on his shirt with her finger. “No. I had everything under control out there.”

That touch felt better than it should, but he refused to let it distract him. “Didn’t look like it from where I was standing.”

“Well, I did. Right up until the end there. I didn’t think I’d run out of air so fast.”

Anger simmered. “You would have risked your life like that again, even knowing full well what was about to happen? Are you kidding me with this?”

“Just beinghonest.” She gave him that devastating smile of hers. “And you’re right, it does hurt the first time.” She pointed to her pouting lips. “Hurts right here.”

“You’re unbelievable.” Yet his gaze was riveted.

“And you really want to forgive me.”

“I don’t.” He did.

“Would you forgive me for a kiss?”

“Depends on the kiss.”

“Oh, it’ll be a good one.” She leaned close and ran her lips lightly against his.

He wasn’t sure which one of them deepened the kiss, only that their hands were on each other, both pulling and tugging to get closer, to plaster their bodies together, their lips entwined in heated breaths and dancing tongues. His handheld toppled to the floor as his fingers threaded through her hair. Her nails ran along his scalp. With her breasts so tantalizingly close, brushing along his chest as though begging for his notice, he was helpless not to take one in his palm. Her back arched, letting him know she liked his touch. He kneaded her flesh until she let out a little encouraging whimper.

From that sound alone, he knew he was done for. Onnika had won this round…but apparently, so had he. Having her in his arms was a balm to his ire, and the tightness in his chest eased.

Suddenly she broke the kiss. “Someone’s coming. Do you want them to see us like this?” She was breathing heavily, her eyes on his lips.

He didn’t hear any footsteps. “I don’t care.”

“Yes,” she sighed, “you do,” and she hopped off his lap.

With a growl, he started to drag her back, but the sound of boots on hard metal helped to clear his mind. She was right, he didn’t want his crew seeing him so compromised.

Onnika righted her dress and then grabbed her sandwich and drink before darting through the corridor that led to her room. And then he was left with the fuckingriseshe’d gotten out of him.