In a solemn tone, she replied. “Very.” Once more, she took the lead and hooted. “And I’m also one amazing pilot. You should probably make yourself at home back there, big guy, because that’s where you’re going to live.”
“Just keeping this spot warm for you, little thief.”
Moments later, she pretended to make a mistake on a sharp turn and he regained his lead.
“Dammit,” she cursed with feigned chagrin, then resumed the conversation. “I’d love to be able to move as fast as you. Could you teach me?” Just then her ship skidded around a corner, cutting him off.
He growled when he replied, “Not possible. It is an evolutionary trait of my people. We are superior to most other races in many ways.” When his ship leapt ahead of hers yet again, he gloated. “And your skills are subpar.”
“I only let you pass me so you wouldn’t feel so bad when I win,” she shot back.
“You can tell yourself that all you want when you lose.”
Onnika laughed, thoroughly enjoying herself. “And whenyoulose, you can tell everyone you let me win just to be nice, but you and I will know the truth.”
“Not necessary, since I do not plan to lose.”
“Then why did I just pass you? Oh, it’s because I’m just that good.” She was now leading by a ship length just as the finish line appeared up ahead. She was almost there, both of them pushing their engines to the max. The temptation to win was great, but at the last second, she eased up on her thrusters just slightly enough so that the nose of Asher’s ship could creep past hers, and they both zipped across the finish line.
He threw his arms skyward in triumph. “Ha! I win!”
She removed her visor. “Aww, man. I was so close. I have to give you credit, Ash, you’re good.”
He was still smiling as he slipped off his own visor. “For a moment, I feared you would actually beat me. I reluctantly admit you have some skill, too. Practice more and you could be as good as me one day.”
“I will. Thanks, Ash. And when I get better, I want a rematch. Next time I’m going to kick your butt to the other side of the universe, you watch.”
“You could try, little one, but I don’t see that happening.”
A throat cleared behind them. Aidan leaned in the doorway, looking far too sexy with his arms crossed over his chest as he pinned her with a knowing look. “Ash, if you’re finished playing around, go take the helm from Zeek. We’re nearly to Latherial.”
Ash’s cheerful mien slipped away and devolved into something more appropriately stoic. “Aye, Captain.”
When he was gone, Aidan claimed the seat he’d vacated and leveled her with a hard stare. “You’re smarter than I gave you credit for.”
She eyed him warily. His intent was hazy. “Somehow I don’t feel like that was a compliment.”
“You let him win.”
She set her visor aside and forced a laugh. “What? I did not.”
“And that speech of yours: stroking his ego while planting the seeds of sympathy? You worked him well. You’re a devious little genius.”
“Again, not exactly a compliment. Look, I’m going to help you out—I’m giving you a panty-dropper here, so I expect you to use it responsibly. Next time, if you want to flatter a woman, here’s what you say…” She cleared her throat and began speaking in a deliberately dramatic tone. “Onnika, you’re so beautiful and sexy and brilliant. No other woman compares to you. Being in your presence is like experiencing heaven in the flesh, and I want you so damn bad it hurts.”
Appearing unamused, he arched a brow at her.
“Of course, you can fill in any name you like, but you get the gist. Care to practice on me?” She shimmied her shoulders to indicate she was ready for his praise.
His lips quirked into an almost-smile. “I’m not as good a liar as you are.”
“It’s not a lie if you mean it. Here, like this...” She eased a bit closer and met his gaze. “Aidan, against my better judgment, I find you incredibly sexy, likeridiculouslysexy, and watching you fly the ship like you did made me want to jump your bones right there on the bridge in front of everyone. And even though you hate me, I’ll still give you that second kiss I promised.”
A mixture of shock and desire danced in his eyes, but she could tell he was trying to conceal it. “Against your better judgment?”
“Is that the only part you heard?”
He gazed at her for a moment, as if he didn’t know what to make of her. “Was any of it true? The stuff you told Ash, I mean? The part about growing up alone?”