“I’m on Lear’s side with this,” Aidan interjected. “Besides, I get the feeling Caryn requires a more…delicate approach.”

“You want me to gain her trust,” Asher deduced.

“Iron man over here does no’ even know the meaning of the word ‘delicate’,” Lear protested. “She seems comfortable enough with me. I’m sure I can get her to open up.”

“I can be delicate,” Asher peevishly shot back.

“Yeah, like a wrecking ball.”

“I bet I can get the little one to confess the truth before you do.”

“You canna even remember her name.”

Asher grinned. “Her name’s Caryn. Thanks for reminding me so many times.”

Lear glared at him, but before he could respond, an alarm beeped from his console. He glanced down. “Three ships just appeared on radar. Up ahead.”

“Can you tell who they are?” Aidan asked, bringing up a visual. Finally they were gaining ground. He’d been beginning to think his ship wasn’t up to snuff, even with all extra thrusters they’d installed.

Already anticipating a fight, Asher diverted power to the shields and brought the ship’s weapons online. Aidan hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

Just then, the bridge doors whooshed open and Onnika and Caryn nonchalantly strolled in.

“Oh, so this is where everyone is hanging out,” Onnika chirped.

“The bridge is restricted to authorized personnel only.” Aidan flipped on the intercom. “Priya, time to work. Three ships in the vicinity.”

Priya’s voice filtered in. “Copy, Captain. On my way.”

Discarding his edict, Onnika came closer, gazing up at the viewscreen. “I’ll be sure to let any unauthorized personnel know.”

Asher instantly offered, “Shall I remove them, Captain?”

When Caryn visibly stiffened at Asher’s threatening tone, Lear smirked. Asher shot him an agitated glare before churlishly facing his console.

Onnika replied to him, “Touch me or Caryn and you’ll be singing high notes for the next week, big guy.”

Zeek remarked, “Actually, I could use a tenor in my next a cappella group.”

Aidan grunted in frustration. “We don’t have time for this. If you two can’t obey orders, then strap in and don’t touch anything.”

Looking too pleased, Onnika claimed the seat to Aidan’s left. “Sure thing, boss.” She still wore the gauzy dress that licked her thighs as she moved. Her scent infiltrated his senses, and when she smiled at him sweetly, he was reminded of their kiss. His distraction was complete when she crossed one supple leg over the other.

Gritting his teeth, he looked away. “Not that seat.”

“Why not?”


She shrugged and moved to the open seat on the other side of the bridge, managing to remain in his peripheral.

Aidan worked to focus on everything but her. “We’re closing on them. Zeek, intel.”

“The big ship is calledArmada, battle cruiser, thirty crew. Behind that isThe Condemned. Reportedly six crew. Both are armed to the teeth. The third ship isDrudge. Looks like they’re aiming to pass the other two.”

Lear added, “There’s a massive asteroid cluster coming up. Should we go around?”

Zeek focused their long-range camera on the cluster. Massive was an understatement, and it was densely packed. “According to the schematics, our next stop is just on the other side of it.”