“I think you want me...” She turned coy. “On you crew, that is.”

He glowered down at her before turning to walk away in search of the others.

She followed, still content with baiting him. “Should I give you a kiss for defending my honor?”

It irked that his body reacted to her enticing words, growing tense with a desire he shouldn’t have. “It isn’t possible to defend the honor of someone who has none.”

Instead of taking offense, she appeared cockier than ever. “Then what would you call it, what you just did?”

“Being annoyed.” He spotted Zeek, Priya, Asher, and Vin sitting at one of the tables near a row of concession stands and headed their way. “Which I blame partly on you.”

“And partly on yourself for, you know, wanting me sooo badly…to be on your crew.”

He felt his lips tugging up at the corners, but fought it. He tried to telegraph his aggravation, but it was impossible when she turned playful like this. Her impishness was infectious. Forcing a stern look, he stopped and faced her, aiming to give her a taste of her own medicine. “If I wanted you…on my crew…I’d have you.” He leaned down to mutter in her ear, “In any position I desired.”

Instead of taking offense, her expression turned lively, as if she was delighted by his response. “Mm, I’ll just bet you would.” She nibbled her pinky nail.

His gaze fixed to the action. Fuck! Irresistible witch. How could she be so sexy with seemingly no effort at all? He turned to stride away, pretending his own words hadn’t just backfired on him in a big way. Now he was picturing them together, bodies coiling in all his favorite positions.

At the table, Zeek glanced up at Aidan’s aggressive approach. “Someone piss in your beer or something?”

Aidan worked to relax his scowl and strategically took a seat between Asher and Priya. The only other open spot was across from him between Vin and Zeek. Right now, he needed the distance before he did something stupid...like kiss that smug expression right off Onnika’s face.

Yet, she was too good at what she did to leave him in peace. On her way to sit, she ran her hand across his shoulders and leaned down to whisper in his ear loud enough for everyone to hear. “So, I’ll just give you that kiss later, then?”

He gritted his teeth.

Appearing too pleased with herself, she daintily took her seat, as if she hadn’t just shocked the shit out of everyone.

“Uh,” Zeek said, “why do I feel like I missed something important?” Everyone glanced toward Aidan, all of them confused except for Onnika, who exuded an irritatingly adorable arrogance. Was she really so confidant in her effect on him, or was this all an act?

He hated that he couldn’t answer that.

“Nobody missed anything. We each won a voucher at the VR race.”

Their shock transferred to Onnika. She coolly examined her nails. “You all should have seen it. I was amazing. Aidan did okay, too.”

Zeek pointed his finger back and forth between Aidan and Onnika. “I don’t know what’s happening here, but I like it. You sure we can’t keep her?”

Coated in humor, Onnika rested chin on her hand.

Asher commented sardonically, “The VR system this round must be designed for beginners.”

At the thinly veiled insult, Onnika’s lips twisted to one side. “It’s a good thing we can’t race against each other. I wouldn’t want to embarrass you, big guy.”

“I don’t get embarrassed when I wipe the floor with big-mouthed little thieves.”

“Wipe the floor all you like. Wouldn’t be with me. I’d kick your ass all the way to the finish line and back.”

Asher stabbed his finger into the table. “I am the one who would be kicking the ass.”

“Yeah, your own, when I beat you and send you crying to your mama.”

The others couldn’t conceal their humor at the exchange.

Asher dropped his fist to the table. “Right now, you and me. We go and we race, and we see who beats who.”

Now that Asher was riled, Onnika seemed more relaxed. She leaned back in her chair. “I’d love to, big guy, but in case you forgot, I can’t win the VR race twice. Them’s the rules.”