Aidan severed the transmission, set the ship to idle, and pushed away from his console.

“But we need to get to the starting line,” Zeek reminded him.

Priya entered the bridge just in time for Aidan to order, “With me,” as he passed her on his way to the door.

Confused, she followed, matching his swift pace.

“You armed?” he asked.

“Always. But why should I be?”

“We have strangers on board. Lear let them on.”

Priya cursed.

A deep voice came from behind Priya. “I am armed.” It was Asher. Both he and Zeek were trailing them.

“What are you two doing?” Priya inquired. “Get back to the bridge.” Priya was one of the best security officers and gunmen in the quadrant. She likely didn’t appreciate the unrequested backup.

Asher retrieved a blade from a sheath at his waist. They all carried a blade somewhere on their person, even Zeek, a habit from their old mercenary work together. “These men aboard could prove dangerous if they mean us harm.”

Zeek added, “Without pilots or gunners, I don’t see why I should be left out of a scuffle.”

Aidan didn’t argue. If there was about to be a scuffle, he preferred the numbers to be on his side.

“Why would Lear let a couple of strangers on board?” Priya demanded, clearly as annoyed as Aidan.

“Apparently, they told him they’re reporters from the coalition.”

“And hebelievedthem?” Zeek snorted.

“You think we’re dealing with saboteurs?” From somewhere on her person, Priya had retrieved a set of double-barreled pulse guns, holding one in each hand.

Zeek eyed Priya’s weapons incredulously. “Where did you even find room to hide those?”

“Trade secret.”

With Aidan in the lead, they exploded into the mess hall.

Lear was casually sitting at the table, smiling fondly at a curly-haired brunette. The woman appeared startled by their entrance. She pushed to stand and began wringing her hands. Where was the second intruder? Aidan surveyed the room.

And then he saw her, perched on a counter, one smooth leg crossed over the other as she idly nibbled on a protein cake.

Her eyes widened, catching the light and making them appear to flash as slivery-white as the glossy tendrils of hair that tumbled over her right shoulder.

A mixture of shock and outrage froze Aidan in his tracks. Something primitive surged inside him, and he didn’t even recognize his own voice when he roared, “You!”