Onnika was still shivering deep in her bones, even after Aidan carried her back toDragoon’srecreation room, all the while growling at fans attempting to crowd them, wanting to see if she was all right, or to congratulate her, or to catch a quick snapshot. After helping her peel off her icy wet dress, he wrapped her in a thick comforter and guided her to the couch. His own clothes were still wet as well, but he hadn’t been trapped in icy water like she and Caryn had been, so it didn’t seem to bother him.

He assured her that Caryn had been resuscitated, though she was still unconscious, tucked into her bunk with Asher and Lear watching over her, and that, yes, they would not let her out of their sight.

The ship’s engine must still be in somewhat working order, because Aidan set the heat to a scalding degree. He brought her a mug of warm tea for her to sip, which she clasped with both hands, drawing in the warmth through her fingers while she waited for the explosion of his simmering wrath. His body shook from the strength of it, she could tell. But he kept quiet as he tended to her. When he was finished fussing, he took a seat in a chair across from her and watched her in brooding silence.

Tentatively, she took a sip from her tea, letting the dazzling heat coat her insides, then worked up the courage to meet his gaze. “Aren’t you going to scream at me?”

Expression dark, he didn’t speak for a long time. Then he dropped his arm. “I’m trying to calm down. It isn’t easy.” His hand fisted. “But, no, I’m not going to scream at you. I know, or at least I can guess, why you went in there. It wasn’t because you wanted to.”

She shook her head. “I saw Caryn. I wanted to stop her. But it was too late.” A latent shiver raked through her. “C-Couldn’t get out.”

“I have to keep reminding myself that you’re all right. You’re safe now. I…” he bent forward, digging his fingers into his hair. “I can’t go through that again. I can’t keep watching you nearly die and keep my sanity. You can’t understand how helpless I felt.”

Setting her tea down, she pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders and then pushed up from the couch to stand before him. When he sat back to regard her, she settled herself into his lap. He instantly welcomed her, his arms going around to pull her close and then adjusted the blanket around them both.

Now she realized why he hadn’t removed his clothes. Nothing generated heat like an impassioned dragon. She relaxed against him. They sat like that for a long while, neither speaking. Eventually his shaking eased, her shivers abated, and still they held one another. She may have dozed off, but she couldn’t say for how long. When she roused, she asked, “Why did you bring me here instead of your quarters?”

“This room is closest to the entrance and is easier to heat. I wanted you out of your wet clothes and wrapped up as soon as possible. And, if I’m being honest, the next time I let you in my bed, I won’t be letting you out again for weeks.”

She chuckled at that.

“I’m not kidding,” he added in a gravel-rough tone.

She nuzzled into the crook of his neck and kissed his pulse point.

He exhaled an unsteady breath. “Keep that up and that’s just what I’ll do.”

She sighed. “I would love nothing more than to spend the next few weeks in bed with you, but we still have work to do.”

His head fell back onto the headrest. “I know. By the way, I never thought I’d say this, but Caryn might be more insane than you. What made her believe she could conquer The Gauntlet alone?”

“As I told you, her magic guides her toward a path that leads to the most optimal chance at survival. I believe she thought it would help her navigate The Gauntlet. And maybe it would have, if the poison wasn’t affecting her.”

“I doubt she could have contended with that creature if you hadn’t been there.”

Onnika had thought the same thing. She shuddered at the memory.

Aidan tugged her closer. “I’m sorry. Let’s change the sub—”

“Iwasthere, though…and I’m convinced that had everything to do with Caryn’s magic as well.

“How so?”

The timing of it all. Shortly after we split up, I saw her, and just barely made it inside before the doors locked her in alone. Of course, I can’t really say for sure, but you can’t deny it worked out in the end.”

“Itbarelyworked out in the end,” he growled. “Caryn…they had to perform chest compressions. She’d swallowed a lot of water. We weren’t sure if she was going to make it.”

Onnika flinched, but managed to quell her shiver.

“Interestingly enough, the number of vouchers the two of you acquired means if we had a working ship we could leave immediately.”

She shot upright. “Have we found the old man?”

Aidan shook his head. “No. We’ll have to—”

Zeek entered the room brandishing a huge smile. “Never fear, Zeek is here…to save the day, that is.”