Already she was taking on the blame for today’s events. Her powers might have sounded the alarm, but not anywhere near quickly enough. Was this always to be their fate?

Onnika shrugged out of Tag’s grip. He easily let her go, confident she’d never leave Caryn, even to save her own ass. Not that she’d get far with Tag’s thumb hovering over that button.

She raced to Caryn’s side, checking her for injuries. “Are you all right?”

“Aidan wouldn’t send them to take us,” Caryn muttered miserably, not sounding entirely convinced.

“No, he wouldn’t,” Onnika assured with certainty. Aidan might have wanted them gone, but he wouldn’t send ruthless thugs to drag them out like criminals, and he never would have put Zeek’s life in danger like that. She glanced around, hoping he’d appear, discover their dilemma and do something about it—Tag wouldn’t stand a chance, even with his new muscle standing at attention.

As usual, Tag had planned his heist well. Everyone was preoccupied by the events of Phase Nine, earning vouchers, or watching whatever contests were currently underway—the bay was deserted.

Once again, she and Caryn were on their own. Buy now she should be used to it, adjusting, altering her plans, rallying. She only felt defeated. Especially when Tag ordered his men to “Make certain they can’t follow,” and his thugs obediently marched back ontoDragoon.