“Remind me again why I’m paying your tab?” Zeek teased Aidan after the waitress left the bill.

Aidan stared darkly at his navigator, silently warning him to knock it off. Zeek had been busting his balls since he’d returned to the ship in a surly mood and admitted the theft of his wallet. Now they were back at the bar so he could drown in his ire.

Having too much fun, Zeek snapped his fingers. “Oh, that’s right. You blew your wad on a pretty face. And not in the good way.”

“She was a thief,” Aidan snapped. “I didn’t blow anything on anyone. Shestolefrom me.” Ten thousand credits, right out of his damn pocket…while he was ogling those glossy lips of hers. Instead of procuring parts forDragoon, he’d wasted the next hour hunting her down, to no avail. She’d disappeared as promptly as she’d appeared. She was likely long gone with his money by now. Still, he found himself noting every light-haired female in the vicinity.

Zeek tsked, feigning disappointment. “To think, you could have blown that entire wad on me. Don’t you think I’m pretty?”

Priya and Asher snickered behind their drink. It was rare that Aidan fucked up so badly, especially when it involved a woman getting one over on him, and they weren’t going to let him live it down anytime soon.

Aidan pointed sternly at each of them. “This will not be a running joke.”

Their snickers turned to all-out laughter. Asher repeatedly hammered his fist into the table, his silvery skin glittering in the light as he chortled. His straight metallic hair fell over his amused eyes.

At least I could provide them some entertainment, Aidan thought sardonically. “If any of you see a woman with pale white hair and blue eyes,”—impossibly gorgeous blue eyes—“alert me right away.” Even though she had obviously been a pro, batting her long lashes and distracting him with that practiced smile, he hadn’t even felt her digging around in his pocket!

He wasn’t just humiliated; he was enraged. That money had been intended for emergency spare parts for the ship. Now he’d have to ask Lear to petition his brother for more. And if he hated being indebted to Lear, hedespisedbeing indebted to the new king of the Okora clan.

It was bad enough that Lear had jokingly changed the roster to name himself captain.Prick of all pricks.After failing to find that little thief, Aidan had been forced to stand in the registration line for another hour just to get it corrected. The paperwork involved was ridiculous! And it still hadn’t been processed. Lear’s pristine, smug face was lit up on the screen behind the bar, the title of captain underneath in bold mocking letters.

He’d have to find some way to punish Lear for that little stunt. Maybe sic a little white-headed ninja-thief on him.

Scratch that. With Lear’s effect on women, he’d likely beguile the girl instead. She’d end up half-in love with him, then no one would get what was coming to them. More importantly, Aidan would be cheated out of his revenge.

Leaning one arm on the table, Aidan balled his fist. “If I ever see her again, I’m going to—”

“What?” Zeek interjected. “Hand over the codes toDragoonnext?”

“Muzzle it, Z, or I’ll wring your neck like I’m going to wring hers.”

Grinning from ear to ear, Zeek raised his palms in surrender.

Priya jumped in. “This woman must be something to look at if she was able to sneak past your defenses.”

Zeek tapped the table with his forefinger. “By defenses, she means pants.”

While the others burst out in another round of laugher, Aidan felt his own lips twitching at the edges. He wouldnotlet them lighten his mood with their jokes. “You’re all a bunch of dicks, you know that?” Finishing off his ale, he glanced away. “And she wasn’t that attractive. Average at best.”

As if hearing the false note, they exchanged skeptical looks. He didn’t care. Soon it wouldn’t matter. The countdown had begun. Within the hour, they’d all be focused on snagging the lead for the first phase of the race.

Aside from Lear, he’d handpicked this very crew, and with good reason: trust and loyalty. He could have been caught naked, doused in honey, slathered in feathers, and broadcast for all the universe to see, and they’d still stick by him. They’d have their fun now, but it wouldn’t affect their performance later. Even Aidan’s lack of enthusiasm would be moot when they were underway. Together they were a well-oiled machine, tight as a spring, all working in tandem for a single goal.

Even though, for now, his navigator was still a bit of a loose cog. “I want you to know, Captain, that I’m here for you. Rest easy. Next time I see a woman anywhere near you, beautiful or average, it makes no difference to me. I’ll treat her like a grenade and jump all over that.”

“Yeah, thanks, Z.”


An announcement blared over the loudspeaker: “ONE HOUR TO THE START. RACERS MAY BEGIN TAKING THEIR POSITIONS.”

Aidan pushed out of his chair. “Finish up quickly and get back to the ship.” He turned to walk away. “Be ready to work. Things are about to get rough.” As he left, he scanned the area one last time for a glimpse of lily-white hair and seductive red lips.

“Seriously, Captain.” Zeek called after him. “Anytime.”