“Not far,” Zeek replied, “But these ships are coming up fast on our ass. They must be using some pretty hefty boosters, because I had the auto pilot on full throttle.”

Onnika gazed through the viewport, trying to see the wormhole, but there was only blackness. Zeek typed a sequence of keys then and brought a closeup image on screen. She saw a rounded warping of space, like the bottom of a beveled glass if one were to look straight through the top.

“Does this wormhole have a countdown like the last one?” Aidan asked.

“Looks like it. There’s a number two displayed this time.”

Aidan grumbled. “So that could mean only two ships can enter…and there are three of us.”

Just then, Zeek barked out, “Shit! They’re attacking. Brace for impact.”

A greatboomrocked the ship.

Over the intercom, Aidan ordered, “Priya, to your station. Lex, those shields had better be working.”

“Affirmative, Captain.” Priya called back.

“Like clockwork,” Lex confirmed.

Onnika watched them work, still feeling uneasy for a bevy of reasons. Not only were they under attack again, but earlier, she had almost revealed everything to Aidan. Everything! After warning Caryn to remain vigilant. Gods, what sort of insanity had overcome her?

Aidan was all business, his gaze intent as he guided them toward the wormhole. At this speed, they would make it through, but so would the attacking ship that was close on their heels. But there was something else spurring her anxiety, something she couldn’t quite pinpoint.

Suddenly Caryn gripped her arm, nails digging into her skin.

“Caryn, what—”


Her eyes were blank, gazing at nothing, yet wide as saucers. And when she spoke, her tone was so daunted, Onnika barely heard her mutter, “We can’t go in there.”

Onnika gazed out at the wormhole, which was growing larger and larger as they approached. She called on her magic, pushing it as far as she could, straining to reach the wormhole and farther still. Her stomach dropped. She sensed something…malice. And it was concentrated from within.

“We can’t go in there!” Caryn cried out louder, her grip on Onnika growing painful. Four heads swung around to stare at them as the ship steadily glided toward the wormhole. They had almost reached it. A few more seconds and they’d be through! Onnika realized there was no time to explain. She wouldn’t even know where to begin.

Shoving herself in front of Aidan, she yanked on the controls, and the ship banked hard to the left.

“What the hell?” Aidan grappled with her for a moment, wrestling control away and rushing to right their trajectory.

No, no, no!Panicked and desperate, Onnika wrenched her arm back, smashing the hard edge of her elbow into his nose. His head snapped back, blood oozing from one nostril. Shocked and dumbfounded, he could only gape at her. Taking advantage of his stunned state, she yanked on the controls again. The ship rolled.

Quickly recovering, Aidan roared and shoved her aside with a swipe of his mighty forearm, and she toppled to the ground. But he was too late. They missed the target by mere inches.

Seconds later, the two other ships blasted through the wormhole, and then the whole thing blinked out of existence in a brief flash of light.

Wild-eyed, Aidan shot to his feet and railed, “Are you fucking mad!”

She rose as well, taking several steps away from him, sensing more than just his violent outrage around the room. “I…I…” She didn’t know what to say. She’d just acted. Now she had to explain. She racked her brain for something, anything. Anything but the truth.Hey guys, our magical powers warned us not to go in there. You understand.

Looking betrayed, Lear grated, “You could have just cost us the race.”

“I’m sorry, but…well…we don’t know where that wormhole goes, right? You said yourself, they could lead anywhere.”

Aidan didn’t seem to be listening. His expression only grew more irate with every word she spoke. “I get it now. This is why you’re on this ship. To sabotage us.”

“What?No!” Her gaze darted around the room, meeting four angry faces. Even the usually whimsical, jesting Zeek appeared ferocious. But Aidan? Aidan’s expression was murderous. “Aidan, I can explain.”

Through gritted teeth he snarled, “I’ve had enough of your games!” He took an aggressive step toward her. “Give me those ear-cuffs. I’ll wait no longer!”