“Good news,” Zeek announced the instant Aidan entered the bridge.

Barely paying attention to his surroundings, he took the controls as Zeek relayed that they had passed a competitor’s broken-down ship and were now in fifth place.

That would be good news if Aidan didn’t feel so damn broken inside. If only Onnika would trust him…open herself up to him. She said she only showed him the parts of herself he would like, but how would she know that he wouldn’t like all the other parts as well? Again he wondered just what that holo-gear hid.

He’d never know. She’d be leaving soon, and he’d have to find a way to let her go, both from his ship…and his heart.

It took him a moment to realize only Zeek was with him on the bridge. “Have we been running on auto pilot? Where is everyone?”

“Ash is getting some sleep. Lear is probably somewhere making sure Ash doesn’t sneak into Caryn’s room. Good job pitting those two against each other, by the way. Our entertainment has been seriously lacking as of late. It’s not like we’re involved in a deadly competition filled with drama or anything.” His tone dripped with so much sarcasm, Aidan could have drowned in it.

Needing a distraction, he turned on the Phase Nine live feed, hoping for updates on the race. They were interviewing a fan who was holding up an image of him and Onnika embracing after the gilded egg race. “They’re my favorite couple in the race,” the woman declared. “I hope they go all the way!” Other fans held handwritten signs in the background: I WANT MY OWN DRAGON, ONNIKA+AIDAN, and I LOVE YOU ONNIKA were just a few.

The announcers switched to clips from Roukii, noting that the gilded egg competition was extremely popular with fans. It was also proving to be one of the deadliest. Only one other team had successfully brought back the egg: two burly men who had waited together at the bridge to take out their competition—literally. Aidan looked closer at their faces, recognizing one of them as the man who had approached Onnika on Roukii. When they showed his stats, he noted the man’s name: Tag.

So he was in this race, too. Had he and Onnika originally planned to enter Phase Nine together and then had a falling out? A row, much like the oneheand Onnika just had?

When the feed showed yet another clip of Onnika flying with him in dragon form, he rolled his eyes and stifled a groan of annoyance, but didn’t turn it off. Like an addict, he soaked up the exhilaration in her features, the glee when she snatched the egg and later, when she’d held it high in triumph. The way she’d thrown herself off the cliff with no fear, trusting him to catch her, had been one of the most frightening and electrifying experiences of his life. And when she had brazenly kissed his snout and told him he was magnificent, his heart had soared in that moment, higher than any dragon’s ever could.

Now it tore in half.

Shutting the screen off, he took in a harsh breath, then banged his fist on his console.

Zeek uttered cautiously, “Uh, Captain? Everything all right?”

“No.” He shot to his feet. “No, it’s not. But it will be. She is going to tell me every goddam thing I want to know.”

As he marched out, fueling his own fury with each step, Zeek called after him. “Um, okay then. I’ll just stay here and make sure we don’t die or anything.”

Onnika sat slumped at the mess hall table, alone and feeling sorry for herself, when she felt Aidan coming to find her. She hurriedly swiped at her tears just as he burst through the hatch, more determined and angrier than ever. But when he caught her still patting at her face, his anger deflated like a popped balloon. He stood for a moment, awkward and unsure. She watched him warily.

Moments ago, he’d had every intention of browbeating her until he got what he wanted, but apparently the sight of her misery had discombobulated him. Instead, he crossed to sit down opposite her and didn’t say a word for a long while. She almost preferred him hollering in anger. At least then, she’d know how to react. The silence between them was a tangled web of strained nerves.

His thumb lightly tapped the table. She picked at her sleeve, refusing to be the first to speak. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure if she could trust her voice. The lump in her throat was still too tight.

Meanwhile, he was eyeing her like he wanted to say something, but the words kept tripping up in his mind.

She knew she should mediate the situation. Apologize, or something. This was her opportunity to humble herself and throw herself on the altar of his forgiveness…to maybe guide them back to a place where she could tease him again, and he would give her that sexy, smoldering look with that heart-stopping half-grin of his. What if…what if she allowed herself to trust him? What if Caryn was right? What if he was the one person in this universe, aside from Caryn, who shecouldtrust?

She reached up to gingerly finger the holo-gear that cupped her ear, debating her next move.

His gaze followed the action with interest.

Then Zeek’s voice blasted over the intercom. “Uh, Captain. I’m going to need your services. Now!”

“What’s happening?” Aidan called out, looking disappointed when Onnika’s hand dropped to the table.

“Two ships coming up behind us and a new wormhole up ahead. I smell trouble with a capital T.”

“Dammit!” Aidan gave Onnika a look mixed with longing and frustration before he jumped up and headed toward the bridge.

Onnika followed, suddenly sensing the trouble as well. On the way, Lear, Asher, and Caryn joined them.

In the bridge, Aidan claimed the main controls. “How far to the wormhole?”

Asher and Lear took their stations while Caryn moved to stand beside Onnika. A tension in Caryn’s eyes drew Onnika’s notice, but she didn’t comment.