“Sweetie, I think they’re fighting over your affections.”

Caryn blinked. Then her eyes went wide with worry. “That can’t be.”

“Why not?”

“Well, because…I…hmm.” She turned thoughtful. “I’d gotten the impression Ash didn’t like us very much.”

“Maybe at first, but I think you’re changing his mind. You know you can be as irresistible as me when you want to be.” She didn’t say more, knowing Caryn would reject the notion. While Onnika was pretty and charming, Caryn’s beauty was more than skin-deep. It went all the way to her soul. Onnika’s allure was behavioral, practiced, and perfected. Caryn’s was ingrained. People gravitated to Caryn almost like plants to sunrays. Only Caryn had learned to dim her light, hide it from the world. Onnika was hoping Lear or Asher might motivate her to let herself shine…which was why she decided not to fill Caryn in on their little plot just yet.

“But I don’t want to be adorable,” Caryn whined.

Onnika suppressed a laugh at Caryn’s afflicted expression. “Hey, if I had two guys fighting over me, you know what I’d do?”

“Both of them, probably.”

Onnika let her mouth drop open in feigned outrage. “I can’t believe you just said that!” She paused, happy to see Caryn back in a humorous mood. “Well, you’re probably right. I say enjoy it while you can.” She took on a more serious note. “But if they start asking questions…”

“I know, I know. Not a word.”

Onnika nodded in approval. “There’s my little two-timing hussy.”

Caryn, cheeks growing pink, slapped Onnika’s shoulder. “You know I’m no good with men.”

“Ha! Men are easy. All you have to do is remember one thing…” Just then, the registrar announced their race was about to begin. “Oops. Got to go.”

“Oni, wait! What thing should I remember?”

She waved back at her. “You’ll do fine.”

As she returned to Aidan, Lear and Asher moved to flank Caryn, whose hand flew to cover her mouth in alarm when she saw where she and Aidan were headed. She raced forward. “Oh, no. You’re not doing that race up the mountain, are you?”

Onnika sent her a huge grin. “You’re going to want to watch this one. It’s going to be awesome!”

“Not if you end up in that marsh, it won’t.”

“Come.” Asher held out his hand to Caryn. “Aidan won’t let anything happen to your sister. We’ll watch from the café over there. I’ll buy you a refreshing drink.”

Almost absentmindedly, and still gazing at Onnika with worry, Caryn placed her hand in his.

Fury danced over Lear’s face. “I’llget the refreshments. I know what she likes.”

“Something sweet and fruity,” Asher supplied blithely. “Right, Caryn?”

Aidan blinked at the three in bewilderment as they walked away. He scrubbed a hand down his face and glanced down at Onnika as though coming to some sort of realization. “You two are the bringers of chaos.”

Onnika laughed. “I like that.”

“You would.”

As if simply to irritate him, she repeated dramatically, “The bringers of chaos.”

“Come on, you.” While the other contestants climbed into their respective vehicles, Aidan guided her to a nearby pasture. So he could shift, she realized.

“You should stand back,” he told her.

Anticipation swept her veins as she took several steps back, her eyes glued on him. She didn’t want to miss a second of this.

A loud ringing bell proclaimed the race had begun. She didn’t even glance at the sound of engines roaring to life in the distance.