“We’re not dating,” Aidan blurted, looking startled.

There was moment of awkward silence.

“He’s right.” Onnika ignored the weird pang in her chest. “I’d never date someone like Aidan.”

His expression pinched at that.

She continued, “No, I’m just using him for sex.”

His features tightened even further as Zeek and the others laughed.

“You sure it’s not the other way around?” Aidan proposed.

She patted him on the thigh, her response intentionally patronizing. “You’re adorable.”

Zeek offered, “Well if you ever want a real man, let me know.”

The color of Aidan’s face deepened to a warning shade of red, and she sensed burgeoning violence from him.

To break the tension, Onnika replied to Zeek, “Why, are you going to build me one?”

At that, the others burst out into hearty guffaws.

“Get it, Zeek,” Lear said, still chuckling. “Because you are no’ a real man!”

“The joke’s not funny if you have to explain it,” Zeek groused, though he was clearly enjoying the ribbing.

Aidan’s skin returned to its natural color. “Enough. We have work to do.”

They quickly set up a meeting point and then scattered to scout the competition. Both Asher and Lear stuck by Caryn, so Onnika knew she didn’t have to worry…at least about anyone snatching Caryn. Onnika did have concerns about what those two were planning—and who put them up to it, though she was pretty sure she knew. She also knew they wouldn’t get what they were after, and two guys fawning over Caryn didn’t sound like a bad idea, so Onnika decided not to tell her what was up right away.

When Onnika started to head off on her own, Aidan stilled her with a hand on her elbow. “You’ll stay close to me since I can’t trust you on your own, and something tells me these aren’t the sort to steal from.”

She bristled. “I wasn’t going to steal anything.”

He eyed her with skepticism, which rankled. “Not only that. Your recklessness is worrisome.”

“I’ll have you know I’m very good at not getting myself killed. I’ve been doing it all my life, and I’ve got a one hundred percent success rate.”

“You’ve likely never encountered anything as dangerous as this competition.”

“I wish,” she muttered darkly.

Aidan peered down at her for a moment. “Just stay near me, please.”

She sighed. “All right, but only because I want to, not because you told me to.” She grabbed his hand and threaded her fingers through his, surprising him. “Now, let’s go get some vouchers.”