“With pleasure.” Grinning in a way that made him suddenly nervous, she took the wallet from him and hurried off.

A little mystified by her eager reaction, he called after her, “No tricks.”

Then he watched as she lightly tapped the man on the shoulder. He turned, and Aidan recognized the delighted look on his face. Instant attraction.

His mood darkened further.

The man’s smile grew wider when she handed him the wallet, but he barely spared it a glance as he slipped it back into the same pocket it had just been fished from. The ignorant fellow must have paid her a compliment then, because she blushed and flipped her hair. Then the man retrieved something from his other pocket and handed it to her. She accepted it, but before she could pull her hand back, the man grabbed it and brought it to his lips, placing a tender kiss on her knuckles. The coy curl to her lips and flirtatious giggle set off nuclear explosions in Aidan’s brain. He was halfway to them before he realized he’d moved.

Grabbing her by the arm, he growled, “Come on, we have work to do.”

“Bye now,” she called back to the fool as Aidan dragged her away. Trailing them, Vin smartly said nothing.

“What did he give you?” Aidan snapped, tugging her along.

With her free arm, she held up two chips. “He rewarded me for my good deed.”

“You’re unbelievable.” He plucked the chips from her grasp and shoved them in his pocket.


“Technically, it wasmygood deed. You would have just run off with his wallet.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t.”

“Only because you know I wouldn’t allow it. Do you even realize when you’re manipulating people, or is it just part of your essential makeup?”

“I suppose I’m a work in progress, but hey, you can teach me to be a better person. And I can teach you to get that stick out of your ass.”

He whirled a blazing glare on her. Her chin lifted stubbornly, meeting his gaze head on.

“Oh, look, a sale.” Vin wandered away.

“What is your problem?” she hissed. “I did what you asked, and you’re still not happy with me.”

“I didn’t ask you to go flirt with the guy.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Is that…are you jealous?”

He blinked. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“You can’t reject me one minute and then get angry at me the next when I simply speak to another male.”


“Then why are you still gripping my arm like I’m your damn property?”

He hadn’t realized he was still holding onto her. Releasing her, he took a step back, and she rubbed the spot where his hand had been.

“Look, I’m sorry,” he muttered, strangely feeling as though she could read his every thought even before they popped into his head. He sighed. “Could you just do me a favor? Try to behave, and don’t steal anything while we’re here.”

She flipped a chip in the air and caught it in her fist. “Sure thing. Starting now.”

She didn’t…He checked his pocket.
