Phase 5

Latherial Space Station

Latherial was a large space station that hovered along the edge of an asteroid cluster. It was owned and operated by an elegant race of people called Angilius. With their delicate glowing skin and graceful misty movements, one could almost believe they weren’t entirely created from solid material, but rather some kind of thick vapor. It was rumored they could travel dimensions at a whim. Aidan was skeptical, though he’d seen proof that some races could perform pretty incredible feats.

When not harboring the contestants of Phase Nine, Latherial was a pampered resort for the wealthy. Splendor and luxury encompassed every inch of the station, brightly lit and decorated in soft, pale, pleasing colors rather than the harsh metals and grungy atmosphere Aidan was used to. His dingy captain’s boots appeared out of place on the marbled tile floor. Pale pink, peach, and white drapes braced entryways and dangled overhead.

It chafed that Onnika’s gorgeous countenance blended right in, making her appear completely at home here with her flowing white hair and radiant skin.

She gazed around in wonder. “Exquisite.”

Caryn, too, blended in as she gaped at the beauty of their surroundings.

“Yes,” Aidan agreed, his stomach, for some reason, twisting into knots. “Looks like the perfect place to leave you both.”

Onnika shot him an indignant glare.

He pretended not to notice. “But don’t get comfy just yet. You still owe me six vouchers.” What would he do when Onnika inevitably failed at her task? The pressure in his gut sharpened.

“This way.” Zeek directed everyone to a large room filled with racers and spectators alike. The area appeared to be a massive arena that had been converted to accommodate the many vendors and tournaments.

“Vin,” Aidan began, “You’re with me. We need to find a replacement for the shield generator. The rest of you know what to do, so get to it.” He pointed to a nearby tap room called Luscious Vibes. “We’ll all meet there when we’re finished.”

As the others headed off to scout the tournaments, Onnika grabbed Caryn by the elbow. “Be careful. Stick close to Lear or Ash and keep your eyes open.”

Gravely, Caryn nodded and then scurried after them.

Having overheard her directive, Vin and Aidan shared a shadowy look.

“What was that about?” Aidan asked.

Dryly, she replied, “People are after us. By now they likely know we’re in this race. They might already be here. Not that you’ll believe me.”

“Oh, I can believe someone’s after you. Whether or not it’s the authorities is another question.”

“Trust me, these guys are so far from any kind of sanctioned authority. But don’t worry, I won’t bother you with the details.” Head high, she headed in the direction of the market.

Aidan followed. “Then shouldn’t you be focused on your quota to get us out of here that much faster? Where is it you’re going?”

Vin fell in step beside them.

“Right now, I’m better off helping you find a proper shield generator,” she supplied. “The last thing we need is to get blown up the next time someone sends a couple of shots our way.”

“You sound pretty confident that I’ll let you stay on the ship.”

“Like you said, you’re not atotalass. You really think it’s in you to leave two innocent, helpless girls in need—”


“—and I don’t mean like you did to me in the rec room when I was straddling your lap.”

Vin coughed into his fist and pretended to admire a booth of jeweled pendants.

Aidan felt a muscle tick in his jaw. “What makes you think you can help us acquire a quality shield generator? I suppose now you’ll tell me you’re an expert in mechanics.”

“I’m an expert inpeople.” She clapped Vin on the shoulder. “I’ll leave the mechanics to this guy.”