The recreation room was fairly plain in appearance. The AVFS was set up as the centerpiece. There were no elaborate VR chambers like there had been on Nazzu, only a beat-up old sofa with fading, threadbare fabric for players to sit on, and the VR visors were small and simplistic. A moderately sized viewscreen had been installed on one wall across from the couch. Another seating area had been arranged in one of the other corners with a square table big enough to squeeze four or five.

Only she and Asher were here for this crucial showdown. Aidan had reluctantly given him leave to go “Take her down a peg.”

Not feeling well after all the excitement, Caryn opted to return to their bunk to lie down. Everyone else remained on duty, ensuring they arrived at the next stop without further incident.

Asher shoved one of the VR helmets at her and then claimed the other before sinking his heavy silver-fleshed frame onto the couch. “Don’t be ashamed to cry when I beat you,” he mocked in his deep timbre.

“Back at you, big guy, but if you do, I promise not to tell too many people about it.”

Though the equipment was second tier, the interface was just as spectacular as the one on Nazzu, and when she slipped the visor over her head, she was dropped into a breathtakingly moonlit world full of dancing firebugs over a swath of swaying grass that cut through a dark forest. She gazed out at it all through the virtual window of her impeccable craft.

“Wow,” she gushed. “This is so amazing. It’s lucky you guys were able to get your hands on one of these. I hear they’re really hard to come by. AVFS is often utilized for training solders, right?”

“Aye. It was my idea to get it.”

She could practically picture Asher’s chest jutting out. “Well, that was a brilliant idea, Ash. Seriously, a stroke of genius. This way any of you can practice in your spare time.”

“Mm. That was the idea.”

“Here’s another idea,” she goaded, picking up her controller. “Try not to burn up in the heat of my thrusters.”

“Keep dreaming, little thief.” Was that a hint of a smile in his tone?

The second the race began, both their ships shot forward, but she managed to jump ahead.

“Uh-oh, big guy, look who took the lead.”

“Not for long.” His speed increased, and suddenly they were side by side, each fighting to gain ground. He inched forward, then she did. A right turn lent itself to her favor, and she was able to place some distance between them.

“How you doin’ back there?” she teased.

“Keep yammering,” he countered. “Only makes me more determined to destroy you.”

The track wound up and down shadowed hillsides, over glistening rivers, and through darkened tunnels. All the way, they traded for first place. Once they were well into the second lap, she implemented phase two of her plan. “So, I have a question. How is it you move so fast? In reality, I mean. Is it magic?”

“No such thing as magic.”

Onnika didn’t bother correcting him.

“I train hard,” he continued.

“I’ve never seen anything like it. It was very impressive.”

“Aye, it is.”

“And you’re so strong, too. I bet you’ve never known what it’s like to be weak or vulnerable or scared.”

“Nay, that I have never been.” He paused. “Except as a child. My kind are vulnerable then.”

“I suppose that makes sense. Most children are…some more than others.” Her voice sounded haunted, even to her. She forced a more quizzical tone. “But no doubt you were protected even then. You probably had loved ones to keep you safe until you grew up big and strong as you are now.”

“Aye,” he replied, his voice low, as if suspicious of where she was steering the conversation.

“Must have been nice.” She navigated another smooth turn, gaining speed. Yet Asher managed to inch past her. She noticed he didn’t gloat this time. “You ever wonder what it might have been like if youhadn’tbeen protected when you should have been? If you were all alone in the whole of the universe and you didn’t want to end up in some slaver’s sadistic harem? What might you have done to survive? People like that have to get creative, wouldn’t you agree?”

“And you are creative,” he surmised.