If they changed course, the route might be easier, but it would cost them time. With all their moving parts, clusters were unpredictable and uncharitable.

“Show me the map.”

The screen switched to a three-dimensional rendering of space and zoomed in on the cluster, represented by a bulbous gray cloud that stretched out in all directions. “By my estimate, going through the cluster will take a fraction of the time,” Zeek said.

Aidan grunted. “Might be faster, but I don’t know if we should risk it.”

From their seats, Onnika and Caryn began muttering swiftly to each other. They almost sounded frantic.

He tried not to let it distract him. “TheArmadawill be forced to deviate due to its size. However, the smaller ships might risk the cluster. We’ll wait and see what they do before we decide.”

Onnika recalled scanning these ships before boardingDragoon.The Condemnedwas sleek and fast-looking. It should have been breezing pastArmada, but it seemed to be cruising beside the larger ship, like a pilot fish. Then she rememberedThe Condemnedcrew had no interest in winning at all. Once again, she wondered why they were even in this race…

She glanced at Caryn next to her and saw her gaze had gone distant. Onnika’s intuition sparked. “What are you thinking?” she whispered.

Caryn met her gaze with a shadow of fear behind her eyes. “I think we need to get away from here.”

Suddenly the pieces fell together, and Onnika knew why the crew ofThe Condemnedwould be in this race with no desire to win. She leapt from her seat and returned to Aidan’s side, ignoring his dark look. “The CondemnedandArmadaare working together.”

A crease formed between his brows. His skeptical gaze transferred from her to the two ships in question.

She pointed out, “You see how they’re so close together? Why isn’t one attacking the other?”

“Not everyone plays that way,” Aidan reasoned.

“Well,theyare.” She could feel danger building, like a cloud of aggression ready to storm. “I believeThe Condemnedis only in this race to guardArmada.”

“Wouldn’t that be against the rules?” Zeek asked.

“Not if it’s just a short-term alliance,” Aidan replied. “Generally, alliances only last so long. Once everyone gets near the end, they always turn on each other.”

“They aren’t simply allies,” Onnika insisted. “They’re a team. If Armada has no choice but to go around the cluster,The Condemnedwill follow, but they wouldn’t want anyone else taking the shortcut and jumping ahead of them if they can help it….” She let the statement linger in the air.

“You think they’ll attack?”

“I think we need to get well into that cluster before they decide to.”

Bright flashes drew their attention back to the viewscreen. Both ships had converged onDrudge,weapons blasting.

“Dammit,” Aidan cursed, then glanced at her with something like suspicion. “Strap in.”

She did, locking the cross-shaped harness around her torso.

“Priya,” Aidan called over the intercom. “This is about to get dirty. When we get closer, send everything you’ve got at the smaller ship nearArmada. Take them out first. I don’t want them following us into the cluster.”

“On it.”

AsDragoon’sthrusters ramped up to full power, Onnika was knocked back in her seat. She watched with growing terror as a large explosion ripped a hunk fromDrudge’shull.The ship’s inner lights flickered, then went dark as the whole thing rolled unnaturally.

Hazy bloodlust wafted along her subconscious. In a strained voice, she muttered, “They’re coming for us.”

Seconds later,ArmadaandThe Condemnedturned their weapons onDragoon. A streak of artillery headed their way, making explosive contact with the shield.

“Shit!” Asher exclaimed. “That barrage already took out our shields.”

More harsh explosions followed.Dragoonquaked from the impact. On the viewscreen, Onnika could see Priya’s aim was true, but the smaller ship kept coming, driving toward them and landing a heavy stream of fire. Both Onnika and Caryn screamed at the sound of groaning metal, imagining the hull tearing open to swallow them in the suffocating vacuum of space.

Zeek ground out, “The idea is toavoidtheir weapons, Aidan.”