He set his drink on the bar. “You don’t know when to quit, do you?”

“Quit? What does this word mean?” She grinned, back to teasing him. At least this was familiar ground. A contrite Onnika was a stranger to him.

She swiveled around in her seat and propped her elbows behind her on the bar. “So, what happened back there? You get jealous or something?”

“I’ll bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I might.”

He blinked at her. A sexy smirk played at one corner of her mouth, her eyes clear and focused, as though set on a bullseye. Yet another game.

“Well, don’t flatter yourself.”

“You know, if you wanted to be the one to buy me a drink, you could have just said so instead of getting all gruff like that.”

“I don’t want to buy you a drink,” he grumbled, but heard the false note in his own tone. Dear gods, did he want that? How easily she had him questioning his own conviction.

“Then why did you lead me directly to the closest pub?”

“Lead you? Youfollowedme.”

“I followed yourlead. Because you’re theleader, oh Cap-i-tan.”

“Is that your pattern? Target the leader and get him to fall for you before you take him for all he’s worth? Too late, you’ve already done that.”

That smirk of hers grew slightly. “You falling for me already?”

He shook his head. “You’re unbelievable.”

Her eyes twinkled as though he’d just paid her a compliment. “You’re really not going to buy me a drink after all that work you did luring me here? I’m mighty thirsty.”

“Plenty of dopes in here willing to trip over themselves just to hand over their wallets to you. Why don’t you focus your efforts on them?” He lifted his ale to his lips.

“Because I don’t want any of them.”

The liquid nearly caught in his throat. He swallowed hard. “Not going to happen.”

She sighed. “Then I guess you’ll just have to learn to share.”

Before he had a chance to argue, she snatched his glass and took a generous chug, then handed it back. He should be outraged, but he could only focus on the small bit of liquid that glistened on her bottom lip. Registering his gaze, her tongue protruded from between her lips to slowly lap it up.

The erotic sight mixed his roiling emotions into one confounding ball. Desire warred with anger at the notion that she was pulling his strings like a marionette. The need to know the taste of her lips battled his will to resist.

Need won out.

He gripped her nape and pulled her closer to him. As if expecting the move, she swiveled in her stool so that she had him trapped between her luscious thighs.

She smiled up at him enticingly. “You ready for that kiss now?” Her husky tone snapped the last of his restraint and his mouth descended on hers. Her lips were silky-soft and tasted of ale mixed with something sweet.

As she kissed him back, he could almost imagine her desire matched his. Her soft breaths mingled with his as they explored each other’s mouths and the tiniest of sighs escaped her. But when her hand splayed along his thigh, he felt the puppet master’s strings at work. A few more blissful seconds of this and she’d have him brain-dead and pliable to her will.

He pulled away, growling, “You rile the dragon in me, girl.”

Her cheeks were flush, and her eyes hooded as though she was as lost to lust as he. Impossible. Or was it?

He came dangerously close to returning his lips to hers, but somehow found the strength to release her.

At first, she seemed disappointed when he didn’t kiss her again, but then she quickly brightened. “Rile the dragon? Does that mean you can’t control when you transform?”