Priya had been gone a while, so Onnika decided to use the opportunity to ingratiate herself with Lear…or rather, ingratiateCarynwith Lear.

“So, Lear,” she began, “it looks like our acquaintance will be short-lived. If Aidan isn’t planning on executing us, then I have to assume he’ll kick us off the ship as soon as we land. It’s a shame, though. Right, Caryn?”

“Yes, it really is,” Caryn replied morosely, accustomed to following Onnika’s lead and playing along with whatever she had planned, even if Caryn had no idea what it was. “I really was enjoying your company before.”

That sounded pretty sincere. Maybe she wasn’t just playing along.

Lear remained stoic, though still brooding over being fooled. “As was I. Before I learned of your deception.”

Caryn’s face fell.

“We both feel really bad about that,” said Onnika. “Hey, how about you let Caryn cook something for everyone, as an apology-slash-thank you for, you know, not killing us and all?”

Caryn lit up, clearly perceiving Onnika’s scheme, last-ditch effort that it was. Tag had often demanded Caryn cook for him, and for good reason. Girl could whip up orgies for the taste buds. If this crew enjoyed her cooking as much as he had, maybe keeping them aboard wouldn’t seem like such a bad idea.

“Please, Lear.” Caryn stood, showing a bit of vigor for the first time since being caught. “I’d really like to cook for you before we part, as a thank you for your kindness.” And there went that gleaming smile. Onnika stifled one of her own, knowing it would look triumphant and calculating.

For a moment, Lear seemed transfixed by Caryn.

Way to work it, girl.Except Onnika was unsure if Caryn was working the angle...or if she truly was eager to prepare a meal for this man.

“Plus,” Onnika continued glumly, “it’ll probably be our last meal for a while, seeing as how we’ll be left in a strange place with no credits and no connections.”

Lear’s expression pinched, his tone souring. “You could just steal again, could you no’?”

“We don’t like to steal if we don’t have to. But if it comes down to me and my sister here starving, then yes, I will do what I must. You may not care what happens to us, but I’ll do anything to keep Caryn from suffering.”

That seemed to hit him right in the guilt-gullet.Pow! Chew on that.

He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, his throat working hard. After a moment, he reluctantly relented. “If you wish to prepare something before you go, I’ll no’ stop you.”

Onnika rubbed her hands together. “It’s settled. Come, Caryn. Let’s see what you have to work with.”

Though a little less excited after Lear’s cold manner, Caryn followed her to the attached galley. Lear trailed close behind, but he remained by the door with his arms crossed, resolved to guard them closely.

No matter. Together, she and Caryn found the pantry and pulled out a few items—vegetables, meat, spices—which prompted Caryn to begin preparation for a simple stir-fry dish. While Caryn heated up a pan, Onnika settled in next to her and dutifully chopped vegetables.

Then another devious plot formed.

On a downward slice, Onnika deliberately slashed a superficial cut into her finger. “Ouch! Oh, I’m such a klutz!” She moved to the sink to run her finger under cold water.

Lear dropped his arms, seemingly concerned, which elevated him in her esteem. “Are you all right?”

“I’ll be fine, thank you. Would you mind helping Caryn with the vegetables? I’m of no use right now.”

“Uh…” Thrown off guard, he grudgingly sidled up next to Caryn and took over.

Wrapping her finger in a cloth, Onnika settled back against the counter and prepared to play puppet master. “So Lear, do you mind if I ask you a question?”

Uneasy, he simply grunted.

“Earlier, Caryn asked me why such a dashing dragon prince would run this dangerous race himself, and I must admit, I too am curious. Why not send an underling?”

His eyes darted to Caryn for a moment, and Onnika could tell it pleased him to hear Caryn thought him dashing, but just as he was about to reply, Aidan appeared in the doorway, looking dangerously furious.

“Theunderlingwould like to know what the hell is going on here.”