Two blessed suns warmed her exposed flesh, one to the east and one overhead. In the distance, hills rolled like cresting waves, covered by thick forests as far as the eye could see. The air was fresh and tinged with scents that pulled at her recollection: blooming flowers, evaporating dewdrops, the promise of coming rain, all mixed into a heady fragrance.

She felt Aidan ease up behind her and wrap his arm around her midsection.

“Am I truly…home?”

He placed his lips on the top of her head so she could feel him nod.

She’d never seen her world from this height before. There was something foreign and, if she was being honest, frightening about finally laying eyes on her home world again, but she also felt a soul-deep connection to the planet that had eluded her for so long. A connection she didn’t realize she’d desperately longed for until now. She washome. Her journey, the endless searching, was finally at an end. Not only because she was here, but because she had brought everything—everyone—she loved with her.

Tears in her eyes, she whirled to face Aidan and threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you. Thank you for bringing us home.”

He gently kissed the top of her head, his lips lingering against her crown. “Would you like to see your sister now?”

Pulling back, she wiped her eyes and replied, “Don’t you think I should get dressed first?” which drew a hearty laugh from him.

It was in a great opulent hall with high ceilings and ancient artwork hanging on the walls that she first caught sight of her sister. With a mixture of squeals and sobs, Onnika and Caryn crashed into each other like two boulders meeting at the base of a valley for a fierce embrace. Whatever the Serakian had done, Caryn appeared healthier than ever. Her coloring was warm, her eyes bright, and her cheeks were flush, as though she’d just returned from a walk.

Asher, Lear, and Zeek were there, too, and as soon as she and Caryn released each other, Onnika was swooped up by Asher in a crushing hug before she was passed to Lear and Zeek, who both gushed with pleasure at seeing her looking so well. Goodhearted jibes and jeers were shot at Aidan for being so worried, who took it with reserve and mildly disgruntled grace. For a long while, the reunion was a jumble of enthusiastic reminiscing over all their trials, their near misses, and then astonishment over their uncanny accomplishments. Then Caryn asked Onnika what she’d done to the crew ofThe Condemned. “I heard you did some kind of new magic,” she said with eagerness.

“Yeah,” Onnika replied with equal fervor, “I think I almost died. It was amazing.” There wasn’t much more she could tell them that they didn’t already know. Lear told her she must have a little witch in her, and even though he hated witches, he wouldn’t hold it against her. Ruffling her hair, Asher affectionately called her a devious little thief and told Aidan to hold on to her.

“No problem there,” Aidan replied, then muttered close to her ear so that no one else could hear, “because you’ve stolen my heart and I don’t want it back.”

“Then we’re even,” she said, “because somehow, you’ve stolen mine as well.” That earned her a roguish grin that did funny things to her lower belly.

An unfamiliar group of people joined them in the hall, and Onnika was immediately drawn to a familiar face. “Uncle Ethanule?”

Her uncle’s hair was the same shimmering white shade as hers and hung nearly to his wide shoulders. The changes in him were stark. He’d filled out quite a lot compared to his younger self, his body having shed the lanky carriage of youth, though he still appeared quite young by Faieara standards. Like her and Caryn, he was older now, with a lifetime of experiences etched into the subtle lines around his eyes. The trio of small, beaded braids hanging down one side of his face gave him somewhat of a piratical appearance, but his smile was warm and inviting.

Next to him stood a gorgeous woman with midnight hair and a darkly formidable aura. At first Onnika thought the two little spikes poking out of her hair were dainty accessories, but quickly realized they were horns. Could she be a demon? What a rare species, even more surprising to find one associating with Faieara.

Ethanule came forward and pulled her into a cautious embrace, then set her at arm’s length to meet her gaze. “I’m so glad you found your way home. We are all so proud of you.”

“Is my mother with you?”

His expression fell slightly. “We’re still looking for her. Many of us are still lost, even on our own word, unaware that the royal family has returned and reclaimed the kingdom.” Then he offered an abridged version of everything that had happened after the Great Exodus and the eventual return of the royals, which had prompted a tremendous battle that finally drove the Kayadon from the palace. “They’re still out there,” he cautioned. “The Kayadon are hiding on our world somewhere, preparing, we assume, for retaliation, but they have been greatly weakened, and now we have strong allies to call upon if needed.” He glanced at Lear and Aidan with a look of familiarity and respect. Then he gestured to introduce the woman at his side. “This is Sonya. My mate.”

Onnika regarded the woman with open shock for a moment, then shook her astonishment away. “It’s wonderful to meet you…Aunt Sonya.”

Now it was Sonya’s turn to be astonished. “Aunt,” she choked out. “I’m not sure I’m ready for that kind of commitment. Although, if I’m to have a pair of nieces thrust upon me, it seems only right they be notorious. We’ve been watching your progress through Phase Nine. Ethanule recognized the two of you nearly instantly, though we had no way of contacting you.”

Ethanule added proudly, “The entire kingdom has been cheering you on.”


Ethanule nodded. “Sonya and I would love to accompany you when you attend the closing ceremonies.”

She glanced hopefully at Aidan.

He returned a glum expression. “I’ll consider it.”

She hopped up and down with excitement and informed the others, “That means yes.”

Aidan struggled to conceal a wry grin while everyone else laughed.

Later that evening, when she was once more alone with Aidan on the balcony of their room, she asked, “What shall we do for excitement now that the race is over?”

“I’ve had enough excitement to last a lifetime,” he replied, pulling her into his arms as they gazed at the stars, her back to his chest.