Her expression turned mournful, and she looked up at him with compassion. “What happened to them?”

“They were murdered.”

She flinched, then solemnly glanced back down at the photo.

“I loved them,” he continued, “but I was selfish and young. I craved excitement and glory. So much so that I left them to train as a pilot so I could run Phase Nine, unaware that it would be the last time I ever saw them. When I won, I thought it was the happiest day of my life, before I learned…” His features hardened. “Now it’s like a curse that has followed me everywhere. Wherever I went, people knew my name, knew my accomplishments, were constantly praising me as a hero while unwittingly reminding me that when my family needed me the most, I wasn’t there to protect them. I failed them in the worst possible way. That’s what Phase Nine is to me. My greatest failure.”

She was silent for a long while, peering down at the photo in her hand. “I’m sorry for what happened to them. And to you. But you must know it wasn’t your fault.”

“I could have saved them.”

“Or you could have died alongside them.” She shuddered, the idea abhorrent to her. Sensing his need for her nearness, she shimmied to the edge of the bed where he stood and placed a soft kiss over his heart.

He peered down at her, rendered speechless by the tender gesture, his pulse thumping with a rush of affection.

“There’s no telling what might have happened,” she continued. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that bad things can happen, no matter how careful you are. You might make mistakes, but there are good things, too. Happy, unexpected things that make the bad things a little less sharp.” She ran her fingertips over his heart where she’d kissed him. “And if you’re always watching the past, it makes it difficult to see the present clearly. I have a feeling you’ve been punishing yourself for a long time, and the idea of letting go of that pain feels like a betrayal.”

At length, he gave a curt nod.

“But I can understand that,” she added. “If Caryn didn’t survive, I’d never have forgiven myself because it would be my fault.”

“No,” he said softly. “It wouldn’t.”

She gave a feeble smile. “No one could ever convince me otherwise. And that’s how you feel about your family, isn’t it?”

Again, a curt nod.

Leaning forward, she rested her head against his chest, and his arms curled around her. “That pain is a part of you, and it’s a beautiful part of you, because it means that you once loved deeply, with all your heart, and that is never a bad thing.”

He let out a shaky breath and pressed his lips to the top of her head, breathing in her scent. God, this woman was like a balm to the wounds deep in his soul. He didn’t deserve her. That wouldn’t stop him from claiming every piece of her he could get.

“It must be difficult, running Phase Nine a second time,” she said.

“I was sure it would destroy me.” He pulled back to meet her gaze. “But then I met this obstinate, demanding thief who has kept me so worried and frustrated, riling the dragon in me at every turn, that I barely had time to castigate myself. A thief who tricked me into falling in love with her.”

“I didn’t trick you. Isubtly swayedyou.” She examined her nails. “Not my fault if you couldn’t resist me.”

His lips spread into a wide grin. “Didn’t help that you are completely irresistible.”

Curling her hand around the back of his neck, she pulled him down for a tender kiss. Then, placing her palm over his heart once more, she said, “If I’ve stolen this heart, I’ll have to see what I can do about healing it.”

He swallowed the hard lump that had formed in his throat and grated, “Quite an undertaking.”

“Good thing I’m the smartest, greatest, most capable woman you’ve ever met.”

A crooked grin tugged at his lips. “And perhaps the most devious.”

Gaze turning mischievous, her hand slowly trailed down his torso. “Just so. And right now I have some devious plans for you.”

The fire in his chest lit into a raging forge. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Sometime later, sated and content, Aidan allowed the pads of his fingers to drift up and down the smooth skin over Onnika’s naked spine. She lay across his torso, head resting on his shoulder, eyes closed. Was she sleeping, or merely basking in the glorious afterglow of their lovemaking? He wouldn’t disturb her to find out, but couldn’t keep from touching her. Her skin was creamy silk to his touch, and her scent was like a sweet dessert unique only to her. Instantly addictive.

Now that they were out of the race, the future seemed...bright. Onnika was here with him. She trusted him. Loved him. He vowed to protect her always. Keep her safe and return her to her people. Perhaps reside there with her. Or they could travel the universe and make new discoveries. Race. Make love. Be happy.

He didn’t know the precise moment when the scars of his past had begun to fade, no longer choking him with guilt-ridden pain. He only knew the reason for it lay in his arms, her soft breaths like a purr to his ears. For the first time in recent memory, hope fluttered in his stomach and tickled his heart. His heart was light. Unburdened. Free.

To an extent, anyway. The pain of his loss was still there, and as she’d said, it was a part of him and would be forever, but it was, for once, bearable. Like a knot that had been twisted too tight was finally loosened and he could breathe.

He suspected she felt the same, in a way .

As she had revealed all her secrets to him, a kind of tension he hadn’t noticed in her before—perhaps because it had always been there—had left her. She trusted him now. Completely. And he wouldn’t let her down. He couldn’t wait to see her excitement when she laid eyes on her homeland for the first time since escaping the invasion. Once Caryn was better, they’d be off to Evlon directly.

An urgent knock sounded on the door.

Onnika’s head jerked up with a gasp. Her grogginess was quickly replaced by abject fear. Sensing danger was upon them, she shot out of bed and rushed to dress.Now what?

Aidan followed her cue, stabbing his feet into his pants. “What is it?” he called to the door.

“Something’s wrong with Caryn,” came Priya’s muffled voice.