Reaching her at the center of the tub, he hooked her waist with his beefy arm and said in a roughened tone, “It’s as true now as ever.” Then he dipped his head to take her lips and crush their bodies together. She folded her fingers through his hair, loving the little rumble that resulted in his chest. It was as if they couldn’t get close enough. Couldn’t kiss hard enough.

He gripped her ass with both hands, scrambling her thoughts. “I canna resist when you are like this, vixen.” In mock punishment, he ruthlessly kneaded her flesh, making her whimper as she squirmed under his ruthless grasp. “I must, though.”

“No, you mustn’t,” she countered.

He trailed his nose along the sensitive line of her neck and along her collarbone before returning his unforgiving lips to hers. This breath-stuttering kiss turned insatiable, brutal, ferocious. She knew her lips would be bruised later, but didn’t care. This was the passion she wanted, no…needed from him: frenzied, savage, consuming, perfection. It made her feel, even if for a short moment in time, that she was wanted, desired, protected. Even loved.

She was supposed to be seducing him, but he had her melting for him. To regain a little control, she allowed her fingers to trail down his heaving chest. Lower. Lower. Over the ridged planes of his stomach. His muscles contracted along her torrid path. Lower still, until she’d nearly reached his stiff erection.

He pulled back then and shook his head. She frowned at his suddenly pained expression.

“Jessa…” He paused, opening and closing his mouth several times as if searching for the right words. “I…I canna be what you need me to be. I want you. Clearly I do, but I doona want... I canna abide you being…” He trailed off, the words that would shred her heart now stuck in his throat.

But she easily inferred his meaning. He couldn’t love a witch. Not really. Not forever. Devastation crashed over her like a breaking wave. This was exactly what she’d feared, but hearing it was agony.

Still, she wasn’t ready to end this. She could fall apart later, but for now, she needed the relief only he could give. A last memory to sear the edges of her breaking heart.

Gently running her fingertip over his lips, she met his gaze. “It’s okay. I understand. All I want is to forget everything else and be like we were back in the cottage. We can figure out the rest later. Together.”

His expression relaxed and he nodded, relieved, accepting her temporary reprieve. Pleasure now. Pain later. Somehow she knew that although it would be painful for him to be apart from her, too, it wouldn’t change his mind.

This time when he kissed her, it was a bit more subdued, and yet a thousand times more tender and no less affecting. Her every nerve seemed to liquify for him. She sighed as his arm tightened around her, caging her, like he didn’t want to let her go. At least, that was what she told herself. It was an easy lie to believe. Too easy.

Once more, his hand slipped down to her backside, his fingers folding into the crease and delving between her legs to find her clitoris from behind. Her core sizzled from the sudden contact.

“Ah,” he purred into her ear. “Is this where you need me?” He flicked his fingers back and forth, making her gasp. His tone darkened to a coarse growl. “Tell me you want me to make you come.”

“I do.”

“Beg me.”

He liked to dominate, but she did, too. She nibbled his ear before hissing, “Make me come right now, or I’ll renege on that promise.”

His body stiffened for a moment and then his fingers went to work, caressing her sex and making her moan from the delightful friction. “I’ll make you scream for me, then.” His sinfully talented fingers delved into her entrance, sending wild pleasure racing though her, and he did make her scream. Again and again.

Her body bucked as he fucked her with his fingers, drawing out her white-hot pleasure until she didn’t think she could take it any longer, until she didn’t think she could live without more.Too much! Not enough! Want more!“Ahhh!”

Finally her body collapsed and he caught her, pulling her into his embrace.

* * *

Jessie’s breath fanned across Orik’s neck, her body lax against him. When he’d stumbled over his words, explaining that he could not abide her doing magic, he’d been flooded with relief that she’d understood. That they could figure out how to help her. Together. She would be exactly what he needed.

He lowered them both onto the seat that lined the tub, letting the warm water relax them further. She nestled closer, resting her head on his shoulder as one of her hands gently caressed the nape of his neck. The sensation was consuming, so tender and sweet, he almost ached from it.

He’d practically admitted they couldn’t be together, and still she petted him like this. He let his head fall back and closed his eyes, soaking up the moment as though it might be the last happy one he’d ever experience, savoring the weight of her in his arms, her skin pressed to his, the ends of her hair dancing around them in the water, brushing his skin.

How could he give this up? How could he let her go? His family hadn’t exactly balked at his decision to move her into his room, but they had given him strange looks. How long would they tolerate a witch among them?How long canItolerate it?

Right now, it seemed no heavy burden, but earlier, she’d used magic in the pool, manipulating a volley of water drops as though it were as natural as breathing. Was magic already too much a part of her from which she could not abstain? Would she grow to crave more and more power, as her kind were wont to do?

The lengths to which she would inevitably go to accumulate power was his deepest fear. A tableau of her standing over a mutilated dragon flashed in his mind, making him shudder.

As if aware he needed an immediate distraction, Jessie pressed her lips to the skin of his throat, just above his pulse point, and slid them back and forth ever so lightly. Then a contented sigh left her as she snuggled closer.

That macabre image seemed such a divergence from the compassionate woman he was getting to know. So utterly unlike her that he barely believed it possible. Like others of her kind, she had an affinity for nature, but she also had a unique kind of kinship with animals. He guessed that was why she refused to partake of their flesh. And wasn’t a dragon just another kind of animal? Cognizant, sure, but primitive as well. When he was in that form, everything felt more primal. His instincts ruled; he definitely didn’t rationalize the way he did in his two-legged form. With his dragon at the fore, everything just seemed so much more simplistic. Hungry? Eat. Tired? Sleep. Definitely no vacillating over whether or not a relationship with his natural enemy would work.

Because it couldn’t…could it?