He shook his head, not offering a verbal reply, but his larynx bobbed. She tried to stifle a smile, but her lips curled slightly at the edges anyway. Then she glanced at the spread and was once more blindsided by his tender regard. Nearly every platter was vegetarian. Pastas, sliced fruit, vegetables prepared every which way, and something that looked like gourmet pizza. Jackpot!

“This is way too much food,” she remarked.

“I was no’ sure what you’d like.”

No wonder she was falling for him. He kept stealing chunks of her heart.

Crossing the space between them, she put her arms around him, and he welcomed her into his embrace. “Thank you.” Then she pulled back to meet his gaze and tease, “You’d better be careful, or I might get used to this new sweet side you’re showing me.”

“And so I am warned,” he countered with a smirk. “But in all honesty, this is about double what I ordered. Apparently, the chef has been experimenting with the new diet restrictions you presented her with.”

“Restrictions? All I abstain from is meat.”

“Among a culture of devout carnivores.”

“Mmm. Then I can appreciate her struggle.”

“I’m sure she was grateful for the challenge. I’m more worried for the taste testers.”

Laughing, she lightly whacked his chest. “Just for that, you’re going to try a bit of everything with me.”

He acted disgruntled, but he did try everything, and he didn’t voice a single complaint.

After lunch, Orik began drawing them a bath. Well, she’dthoughtit was for both of them, so she was a little taken aback when he emerged from the bedroom fully dressed. Though he looked handsome as ever in his uniform, she wasn’t quite ready to let him go, wasn’t ready to let the fantasy they’d built in the last several hours melt away and allow the real world to wash in. A world in which she’d discovered was racked with danger. Not just for her, but for Orik as well. She worried that the moment they were separated, she might never see him again.

Then there was the not-so-dangerous stuff to consider. Would his family approve of her? Not only were they royals, and probably wanted Orik to be with someone of equal rank, but this was a culture that abhorred witches. If they balked, would she have to give him up? Would they even let her remain in the castle? She wasn’t even sure how much leverage June would have on the matter…or if the once-human queen would even fight for her.

Orik straightened his collar in a small mirror that hung in the foyer. The moment he walked out that door, all those questions would need to be answered.

“Going somewhere?” she successfully moderated her tone to one that was inquisitive instead of sorrowful.

“I must check in with my men. I have been absent too long.”

“Because you were here, watching over me?”

He gave a brusque nod, and she tried not to imagine he was displeased by the obligation. He was back to being stone-cold. But a spectrum of her powers had started to return, and with a little effort, his aura came into view. It showed clear signs of his longing to stay, his renewed desire. Was he imagining her sopping wet in the warm tub while he was away? Meanwhile, she was imagining what had happened the last time they’d taken a bath together. As her body trembled in response, his nostrils flared and his aura grew enflamed, outright lustful.

“Can’t you stay a little longer?” she urged.


“You sure?” She sauntered up to him and ran her fingers lightly down his broad chest. “Because I’m dying to follow through on a promise I made that first night we were together.”

Confusion marked his brow, and he appeared to be hunting through his memories. When her fingers landed on the clasp of his belt and lingered, he was struck by realization and his expression went slack.

With a sinful glint in her eyes, she slowly began to back away toward the bathroom, slipping out of her shirt as she went. “I’ll be in the tub, imagining it. Feel free to join me.” Then she turned and strutted away, having to swallow a giggle at the sound of him tearing off his uniform.


The huge circular tub was sunken into the floor and looked to be deep enough to cover half her body when standing upright. The water sloshed as she gingerly lowered herself into it and faced Orik in the doorway, one arm slung over her breasts. His expression was a bit wild as he stood shirtless, his partly open trousers slung low on his hips.

She smiled and crooked her finger at him. There went his pants. His beautiful proud cock sprung forth, straining for her.

She licked her lips; he groaned.

“Have I told you how you madden me?” he said as he prowled toward her and slipped into the tub.

“You’ve mentioned something along those lines.”