She couldn’t halt the cocky pride from spreading over her face, until she remembered…life debt. She turned away.

The fireplace drew her attention next. On the mantle, a wood-carved figurine of a dragon painted in bright colors stood out. That must be something of his. She reached out to touch the smooth surface.

Orik was by her side in an instant. “Careful,” he said.

She drew her hand back and studied him for a moment. “This item is dear to you.”

He responded with a curt nod. “It was given to me by King Mar the first full winter I spent with the Okoras. It was the day the king informed me I was to become part of the family.”

The first loving gift from an adoptive father.

Orik smiled nostalgically. “He told me in his gruff voice, ‘You are one of us now, boy.’ And he wrapped one meaty arm around me. At the time, he seemed so massive. Like a living god. His embrace nearly swallowed me.” Orik pursed his lips, his eyes turning sad. “I’ll never forget that day. I’d gained a father. Brothers. A mother. It was surreal. He told me, ‘It is your duty to protect your brothers as much as it is their job to protect you.’” At that, Orik frowned again and gazed down at her with something like uncertainty.

She could almost decipher what he was thinking. At an incredibly young age, he was charged with protecting his new family, had worked his way up to head of the guard to exact that duty. And now he permitted a witch to reside among them. Yet—and she was only hoping here—there was a part of him that was utterly attracted to her. She couldn’t begin to comprehend the war residing within him.

* * *

Orik turned away from her probing gaze and returned to sit on the bed, feeling too exposed.I’ve vowed to keep my family, my kingdom safe. And now I lust after a witch, bringing her into their midst.

Not for the first time, he began to doubt his decision. So much mystery still surrounded Jessie. How did she come by her magic? Was it innate, like a Serakians? Or had something else gone on with that witch in the woods? After all, it hadn’t been until he’d marked her that she’d started exhibiting power. Was that glowing glyph somehow responsible for the miraculous things she could suddenly do?

Prince Gideon had suggested the mark meant shemustbe collaborating with the enemy, even if she had saved Orik’s life, postulating that she only did that to keep her place among them…to keep up the ruse.

Before he got to know her, he might have thought the same. But could he believe her to be so dastardly?

How much did he really know about her? She supposedly hailed from Earth. She couldn’t obey a directive if her life depended on it. She was impetuous and a bit wild. Reckless, yet brave. Her passion was uninhibited. She made the sweetest little noises when he pleasured her just so. And her body was mouthwatering.Can’t stop staring at her legs.

He mentally shook himself, reminded that she was still recovering and wouldn’t appreciate his salacious thoughts. What she needed was more rest, a good meal, and to feel safe. He imagined she was mistrustful after the way he’d treated her. She hadn’t approached him since she awoke, warily prowling his space like a dubious creature dropped into new territory.

Yet, every now and again she’d glance at him with what he thought was a spark of desire in her vibrant eyes.

Was her forgiving nature so generous? Or was she, as Prince Gideon proposed, simply playing a role? He hated that he didn’t know the answer. And he feared the latter would destroy him if he allowed himself to grow attached.Aren’t I already?

That sexy smile coupled with those bedroom eyes were picking at his resolve.

She suddenly glanced out the window toward the large balcony and exclaimed, “O-M-G! Is that a private pool?”

He turned to regard the built in pool that he rarely used. “It is.”

“Oh, hell to the yeah.” She scurried over to fling open the double doors. A humid breeze wafted into the room. Back turned to him, she peeked over her shoulder. The smile that played around her lips was wickedly absorbing.

Then she gripped the hem of her nightgown and raised it over her head, leaving her nearly bare to his astonished gaze. Only a swath of fabric covered her backside. His shaft grew rock solid in record time.

Covering her breasts with one arm, she faced him and tapped one corner of her mouth. “You’ve got a little drool, right here.”

He shot her a menacing grin. “Little witch. I should teach you not to tease a dragon.” As he leapt off the bed after her, she squealed and raced across the balcony to dive into the pool.


Jessie broke the pool’s surface and smoothed her hair back, treading water. The sun glistened off the small waves, a field of liquid diamonds. Orik marched across the balcony toward her, expression dark, his intense eyes trained on her.

She shivered, though the water was quite warm.

Stopping at the edge of the pool, he yanked open his belt buckle, his movements menacing. For a split second she grew nervous. He seemed on the edge of losing control. Then she recalled the wonders of an out-of-control Orik and her pulse spiked, flooding her with sweet adrenaline.

After yanking off his belt and tossing it away, he shrugged out of his shirt, discarding that as well, followed by his pants. Then he stood gloriously nude before her, and she drank in the sight. As her eyes racked down layers of stacked muscle, his burning gaze never left her. He didn’t take his heated gaze off her as he bent to slip into the pool. No diving for him; he didn’t want to lose sight of his prey. And that was what she was. His wanton, voracious prey, eager to serve herself up to the predator in him.

With his considerable height, he had no trouble touching the bottom. It aided his advance. She swam back, letting him give chase for a moment, but she wanted to be caught by him.