“What does that mean?”

“You expelled a massive blast of energy that knocked everyone senseless for a bit, but they’re fine now. They’ve been up to check on you a couple of times. They are very grateful for your intervention.”

“Heh. Didn’t really have a choice. Your mom is one scary lady when she wants to be.”

He smiled wryly. “She is a battle-hardened queen who is fiercely protective of her family.”

“You’re lucky to have her.”

He couldn’t have agreed more. Though Edel abhorred witches as much as any dragon, she’d put her faith in one to save her son. She’d given Jessie more credit than he had.

Her gaze darted to Phoenix, and she did a doubletake before shooting him a questioning look.

“Since the little beast has chosen to adopt you, I’m afraid we’re stuck with it.”

She blinked as though digesting his words. Then she gifted him with a heart-thumping smile that did funny things to his gut.

He was about to inform her it was only temporary when she sat up and threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you. And just so you know, I’m so glad you’re okay, too!”

“I’m glad you’re glad.”

She pulled back with a frown and wagged her finger. “I amnotgoing back to that cell. You can just forget it.”

He held his hands up. “I admit, I may have…overreacted a touch.”

“A touch?”

He sighed. “I…have no’ had the best experiences with witches, and finding out you are one came as a bit of a shock. I did no’ handle it well.”

“No kidding.”

He hooked his finger under her chin, guiding her to look at him once more. “I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?”

At length, she nodded and then turned her attention to Phoenix, petting her between the ears. “I suppose this is your peace offering?”

“More like the little beast was going to break through the glass to get in here.” He pointed to where her razor-sharp claws had scratched up the outside of one of the windowpanes. “She’s very attached to you. Wouldn’t leave your side unless I tempted her with grilled fish. I hope you appreciate that I’ve been risking my life daily by allowing her to be near me.”

“Oh, hush. She’s as sweet as pumpkin pie…wait. Daily? How long have I been out?”

“Three days.”


“I was growing very worried. You must be starving.”

She rubbed her stomach. “Now that you mention it…”

“I’ll order something from the kitchen.” He could have ordered food from the intercom by the bed, but he thought Jessie might want a moment to gather her bearings, so he headed to the kitchen.

On his way out the door, she asked, “Have you been watching over me this whole time?”

He nodded, wishing there’d been more he could have done to alleviate the obvious pain she’d been in. “I owe you a life debt.”

“Oh.” For some reason, her brows knit together, and she turned her gaze away. He almost thought she looked disappointed.


Jessie watched Orik leave, feeling somewhat disheartened. He was only caring for her now because he felt he owed her a life debt. Otherwise she might still be locked in that cell.