“If you are at odds with witches, why would a group of them want to do business with you at all?”

“Several years ago, they established a settlement to the west surrounded by three dragon kingdoms, one of which is ours. They claim to desire no conflict and have set up trade with all three realms. As of yet, there has been no subterfuge.”

“I’ll bet you’re keeping an eye on them all the same.”

The slightest quirk to his lips hinted toward the affirmative. Then it was as if he remembered he was talking to akind-ofwitch and a scowl settled over his face. “That is none of your concern.”

When they came to the cliff’s clearing, Orik paused, gazing out at the kingdom on the horizon. He seemed to be coming to some sort of decision. “If you insist on returning to the castle, you canna bring your pet. It will be killed on sight.”

Jessie lifted her hand to pet Phoenix. “Promise you won’t return to hunt her.”

He sighed with frustration. “If she harms anyone, it will be on my head. You still do no’ understand the danger.”

“She won’t.”

“You canna guarantee that.”

She knew he was right. Even though she’d developed a deep connection with Phoenix, she was still a wild animal, and wild animals were unpredictable. Still… “Just please, promise me.”

Another heavy sigh. “I promiseIwill no’ harm the critter.” She didn’t like his qualifier, but before she could respond, he said. “Are you sure you wish to return with me? You may no’ like your new accommodations once we arrive.”

New accommodations? “What do you mean.”

He hesitated. “No one will view you as human after this. You will be treated the same as any other witch.”

“Are you…are you going to kill me?”

“Nay. Not that. But you will no’ be coddled as you once were. I wonder if you’d be happier making your way in the wilderness, with your kinfolk.”

Through gritted teeth, she said, “I’m ahuman. I have no kinfolk here, except maybe June. You remember her; she’s yourqueen.”

“Her Majesty make take up for you, but will the King be swayed, I wonder?”

“What about you?”

The lines around his lips tightened, and he merely gave her a hard stare.

“Will this prejudice of yours be the end of what we started?”

“I don’t know what you’re referring to. We’ve started nothing.” There was cruelty in his tone now.

“You like me. It was written all over your aura the moment I met you. Well, almost from the moment I met you.”

“I may have desired a human…once. I would never want a witch.”

His words were a dagger to her chest, but she didn’t let him see the hurt. Instead she threw her shoulders back. “You can tell yourself that all you like, but you and I both know it’s a lie.”

* * *

Orik scowled. She saw through him so easily. As if she knew his mind better than he. Even now his body responded to her prideful defiance, her stubborn chin and fiery eyes. This morning had promised to be one of his most pleasant in recent memory, before all the mayhem and gut-wrenching revelations. He’d slept soundly with her in his arms, her soft breath on his skin, their warmth and scents mingling. Why could they not go back and start this day anew?

It was silly to wish for the impossible. Things were different now. Would never be the same. That she was a magic wielder gutted him, and he almost felt betrayed. Nay, hewasbetrayed. She had intentionally kept this from him.

Yet still she appealed to him like no one else ever had. Her full, rosy lips beckoned him. He wanted to claim them with his own and kiss her so hard and feel her return the kiss with equal fervor so that his misgivings were scared away to nothing. Until all that mattered was the passion between them.

His attraction was incomprehensible. Almost as if he were under an enchantment…

His gaze narrowed. Could it be? Had he not only misjudged her innate nature, but her integrity as well?If so, she could not possibly comprehend the wrath she courts.