* * *

Jessie was exhausted by the time Orik finished grilling her like wanted felon. All he’d needed was a dark room, a hot overhead light, and a disgruntled partner for it to feel more like an interrogation. She knew he could tell she was leaving something out. The more Orik spoke of witches, the more she realized she could never,neveradmit to working magic. He seethed with hatred for them.

When her curiosity had forced her to inquire what he did—whatThe Destroyerdid—when he caught a witch, he’d looked her dead in the eye and replied, “I exterminate them.”

The hard lump in her throat had dropped into her stomach. If witches were so bad—and she might be one—then what would become of her in this world?

At times she’d worried he was onto her. He kept cross-questioning her, asking if anything else had happened. Asking why, if the witch was so interested her, did he leave her with a dangerous lema?

“The witch would have known how dangerous they are,” he’d said. “You could have been maimed at best. Had I no’ come along, you could have been killed.”

She almost laughed at the idea of that adorable little fluffball hurting anything, but it would have angered Orik again, so she held it in. She could also see that he was very serious, and since she knew zero-point-nil about this planet and its inhabitants, she had to concede that adorable creatures could be deadly. For instance, pandas. They might look cuddly, but they were still freaking bears. A slow loris might resemble a baby Ewok, but they were actually quite venomous. Even the seemingly innocuous duckbilled platypus could deliver a sting that caused excruciating pain.

So yeah, her little Phoenix could indeed be deadly.

She had danced around his questions, hoping not to reveal too much about her own abilities while wondering why she could suddenly use magic. Was it this planet? A Superman/sun kind of situation?Here’s hoping there’s no kryptonite on this planet. Or had that witch tricked her into merelybelievingshe had brought the lema back to life when, in fact, he had been the one to do it? Why would he, though?

Part of her wanted to attempt to use magic again just to see if she really could. Part of her was terrified to try.Analyze the situation. Develop a plan.

One thing she knew: She’d need help contending with this new power and this strange alien planet.

Confiding in Orik was out, but perhaps she could open up to June without judgment or repercussions. If anyone understood the utter rearrangement of one’s reality, it would be the human turned dragon queen. But first, Jessie needed to verify if she truly could perform magic. And she had to do it without Orik knowing. She could wait until they returned to the castle and she was once more left alone in her room, or make her attempt this evening while Orik slept.

She yawned and stretched, not even having to feign exhaustion. “Well, I think I’ll catch some Z’s.”

But when she gathered a pillow and blanket from the bedroom and began to make up the couch, Orik snapped, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Making up the couch.” She thought he might gallantly offer to take the couch instead, but he simply stomped over, snatched her bedding, and returned it to the room.

She followed him in. “What are you doing?

“We sleep together. I’ll no’ have you thinking you can once again vanish when I’m no’ looking.”

“I’m not going to take off or anything.”

“That’s what I thought when I told you to remain in your room.” His hand swept out. “Yet here we are.”

She sighed. “Look, I promise, okay?”

He pinched her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “I’ll believe your promises when you keep one.”

When his gaze dipped to her lips, she narrowed her eyes. “You want me to keep a promise? Fine. Here’s one. We’ll sleep in the same bed, but that’sallwe’ll be doing.” She gestured to herself. “Because this is closed for business.”

He scowled, but then gave her a cocky look that said,We’ll see about that.


Closed for business?

Why did that feel unjust? What had he done wrong?

He pondered the answer, lying in the bed, arms folded behind his head. Jessie was in the washroom, readying herself for sleep.

She seemed to have enjoyed herself in the throes. As soon as he realized he hadn’t hurt her with his size and strength, he’d begun imagining all the ways they could pleasure each other.Next time I’m going to make you come using my tongue.

Her words echoed in his mind, the imagery keeping him in a constant state of arousal. When she’d declared there would be no more intimacy between them, he’d nearly hauled her back into the bath to coax away her prickliness.

She entered the bedroom. As though to taunt him, her hips swished enticingly. He wanted her legs wrapped around his head once more, her honey sweetness coating his tongue. But her pinched expression told him she was in no mood.