“Screw you!”

Instead of angering him, her response drew a devastatingly attractive smile from him. “Promise to obey me from now on.”

“Ha! As if.”

“Iwilltame you,” he warned before returning his mouth to her sex, and the torment resumed. When another orgasm sent her flying, she screamed and screamed and screamed, the pleasure seemingly never-ending. On and on it went, charging through her like a wild mustang through the plains.

Only when she could take no more and her body turned limp did Orik climb over her, looking brutal. Inhuman. And impatient for his own pleasure.


He’d torn off his wet clothes. They now decorated the floor in tatters, next to her ruined panties. He stood before her, gloriously nude and sexy as hell. His aura glowed with the strength of his lust. He was magnificent. Perfect. Like a god or some irresistible dark fallen angel.

Following the dips and valleys of his broad chest with her gaze, she gulped at the unadulterated power displayed before her. Layers of taut muscle packed on smooth, tanned skin…silk over unyielding steel.

Her gaze dipped lower. Adrenaline spiked at seeing his size.Too big, her mind protested.

Kneeling over her on the bed, he grabbed her by the hips and yanked her toward him, angling that beast-sized cock at her entrance.


Before she could get out the rest, he slammed into her.

He groaned in bliss; she cried out in discomfort, gritting her teeth against the sudden shock of being filled so quickly and so thoroughly.

The sound must have broken through his haze, because he stilled and glanced down at her. Something in her expression put fearful concern in his eyes. “Have I hurt you?”

She wanted to reassure him, but for the moment she could only grimace in response.

His jaw clenched as sweat beaded his forehead and tremors raked his muscles. She got the impression he was holding himself rigid to keep from thrusting. He looked to be in more pain than she was. He jostled his head, as though needing to clear it. “I am too rough for you. We should no’ have started this.” He started to pull away from her.

“No! Wait.”

He paused, propped above her, appearing uncertain.

“It’s just been a while for me, you know, doing this. And you are rather big.”

At that, he nodded, clearly aware of that fact.

Jessie’s chest rose and fell with audible breaths. Good thing he’d prepared her first with several mind-bending orgasms, otherwise this would have been blisteringly painful rather than mildly uncomfortable. “But I don’t want you to stop. Could you just take it slow for a minute?”

His eyes darted left and right, as though considering the efficacy of her request, but he also looked concerned…whether for her or for his own willpower, she wasn’t sure.

“Aye,” he finally said. “I will try. You must tell me if it’s too much.”

“Good.” She patted his shoulder. “Then give me about half that power, big guy.”

He nodded tightly. Still holding himself above her by his elbows, he gently rocked his hips forward, then back. She felt a little discomfort, but her body was stretching to accommodate him, and already the friction was becoming enjoyable. Her body began to relax for him once more.

Inch by inch, he slowly pushed in and out. On either side of her, his fists were clenched, his muscles trembling as though it was a huge effort not to thrust into her as hard as he wanted.

As the friction became pleasurable, she began rocking to his rhythm. She found herself craving the wild raw power she’d feared only moments ago, but his gaze was intense as he watched her, as though he was concentrating very hard on his task and gauging her every response. It was very mechanical, and she knew he was struggling with everything in him not to hurt her again.

“I can take more now,” she told him, rolling her hips to meet his.

He reached down with one hand to grip her by the waist, halting her movements. “Nay. Be still, or I’ll hurt you again.”

By way of complaint, she whimpered, even as his precisely measured thrusts sent waves of renewed pleasure through her. He was working her body, pulling little moans from her, but he was almost too rigid, like a robot, and she couldn’t tell if he was even enjoying himself. Panting, she told him, “I’m fine now. I can take more.”