“And how does that resemble a lema?”

Instead of answering, she said, “I think I’ll call her Nix for short.”

“There will be no nicknames. If you see a lema again, you are to get away from it as quickly as possible and hope it is not in a killing mood.”

“Are they really that dangerous?”

“Oh, aye. They are deadly.”

“Not mine. She’s a sweetheart.”

He grumbled. “Are you always so contrary? Or is your intention to irritate me?”

She shrugged. “Maybe. Is it working?”

“Extremely well.”

She let out a smooth, relaxed laugh that brought a comforting warmth to his chest. Her head lolled to the side, offering him an unencumbered view of her thinly veiled breasts bobbing just above the waterline. He knew he shouldn’t look, but he couldn’t drag his gaze away.

“What’s up with this wild storm?” she asked. “Is this normal here?” The wind still howled outside, battering the cottage like an angry beast denied its meal.

“It is the season for it, yes.” His eyes remained on her breasts. The clingy fabric of her shirt outlined them so perfectly he could see the sensitive buds protruding.

“How long do they usually last?”


“How long do the storms last?”

“Oh, sometimes only hours. Sometimes days.” He needed to get hold of himself. It wasn’t right to ogle her like this. To imagine what she might sound like if he were to bring her to orgasm.

Outside, thunder snarled.

“Is this as bad as it gets?” she asked.

“Nay. The summer storms can get much, much worse, though not as often in this part of the world.”

“It’s the same on Earth. Depending on where you live, you could have mild weather all year round or annual raging storms. Funny, I was seeking shelter from a flash storm when I got trapped on that ship. And now here I am again, seeking shelter. At least this time I have company.”

“Are you disappointed with your choice of companion?” Why had he asked that? Why should it matter?

“Hell-O, McFly! Haven’t I been hounding you all week? Guess I finally figured out how to get your attention.”

“I don’t appreciate your way of getting attention.” His shaft argued the point.

“And I don’t appreciate being locked up and set aside. I told you I don’t do well in captivity. Add that to the mixed signals I was getting from you—”

“What mixed signals?”

“One minute you’re kissing me like you want to devour my face, the next you can’t take five minutes to let me out of my cage.” She twisted to bombard him with the full force of her gaze. “Then I find out you balls-out lied to me about wanting to return me to Earth. That I’m going to be stuck here forever. Do you know what it feels like to be told you’ll never see your home again?”

He did. During his time trapped by witches, they had informed him he’d never escape them, and he’d believed them. Once he’d mourned his mother and father, his thoughts had turned to the future he’d never experience. Claiming a mate, fathering offspring. He’d tried to picture it, what his family might have looked like. He never could. Now he got a flash of a youngling with fiery hazel eyes.

Was Jessie mourning her own lost future in the same way? She was of age for a family of her own. Did she leave a worried mate back home? The crushing notion ground his thoughts to a halt. “Is a lover missing you right now?”

Her head cocked to one side. “Would you be jealous if I said yes?”

He wished he could see her expression as he silently answered her question.Extremely.