She couldn’t explain it, but as she’d slipped her blade from his belt, a little thrill had erupted within her. Adrenaline junkie? Or was it something more? Had she done it to ensure his return?

As if her thoughts had summoned him, she heard the door to her apartment open and close. She stiffened, expecting a hurricane of fury, and swung around on the ledge to peer in through the balcony’s double doors.

Orik’s flashing green gaze met hers.

Yup. He was pissed.


Aside from his angry expression, Jessie noticed Orik had changed out of his uniform. He now had on a slate-gray vest over a black long-sleeved shirt and belted slacks. His hair was smoothed back with a few stray strands falling over his forehead. She was flabbergasted to know he could be even more handsome in garb other than in his soldier’s uniform.

As soon as he registered her position, his eyes turned a little wild. “Are you mad? Get down from there!” He dropped the black duffel bag he’d been carrying on the floor, rushed forward, hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her away from the ledge. “Were you intending to jump?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I was just admiring the view.”

The tension rolling off him was at level ten and his grip on her tightened. “You doona need to be dangling over the ledge for that. It’s dangerous.”

Her gaze hardened. “I’ve free-climbed thousand-foot rockfaces just to stand at the precipice. I can manage not to blunder my way off a sturdy balcony.”

For a moment he seemed at a loss for words, then he rallied, muttering low, “Where’s the knife, Jessie?”

It was then that she registered others had followed him inside and were peeking through the balcony door with curiosity. What must they think of their position? With his arm still around her and her body pressed close to his, anyone observing might think they were being intimate. She blushed at the thought. That seemed to snap him to attention, and he glanced back at the others before releasing her and taking a step back, but his gaze remained fierce. For some reason, he didn’t want the others to know she had the knife.

Because she had taken it from him without his realizing? Twice? He was head of the guard after all, and people in authority positions were always concerned about optics. “It’s in a safe place.”

“You will produce it for menow.” Again his tone was quiet, with an underlining simmering rage.

“Shouldn’t I meet my guests first? Don’t want to be rude.” When his gaze narrowed, she quickly added, “They look important. Why don’t you introduce me? And when they leave, we can either have it out, or we can calmly discuss my property.” The thought of being alone with him again titillated her, though it shouldn’t.

Something in his intense expression said he might relish the idea as well.

Just then, the others joined them on the balcony. June appeared ecstatic to see her again, which made Jessie smile in response. Orik pursed his lips and shot her a warning look.

“June!” Jessie exclaimed. “Nice to see you again so soon.”

“You too,” June replied. “I’d like you to meet King Tristan and The Queen Mother, Edel.”

Planting a hand on the small of her back, Orik ushered Jessie forward, surreptitiously feeling around. She slanted him a grin that conveyed she knew what he was doing: looking for a knife-shaped bulge. Though his eyes were narrowed with irritation, his gaze briefly dipped to her lips, and his irises liquified with heat.

“That is my official title,” the older woman said, drawing both their attention, “but Lady Edel will do.”

Jessie attempted a curtsy. “An honor to meet you both, Your Majesties.”

Tristan bowed slightly in response. Edel eyed her up and down, as though taking her measure in one quick scan. They were both undoubtedly royalty, not that she’d ever met royalty before, but there was an air of power and sophistication that surrounded them, their auras bright, strong, sure. Edel was the picture of grace and class, her studded dress glinting in the moonlight like she was draped in diamonds.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Edel said, “but I have taken the liberty of requesting dinner brought up for us all. I thought you might feel more comfortable eating here in the privacy of your apartment rather than in the great hall, where the servants would be eagerly mining for tidbits of gossip. The castle is all aflutter with news of your arrival, but let us keep them in suspense a bit longer.”

So I’m tabloid newsworthy? At the mention of dinner, her stomach growled. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until now.Dining with royalty. Look at me now, Dad.“Thank you. I’m grateful for your hospitality. Truly.”

Orik leaned down to mutter in her ear. “Ah, so you can be amiable.” His hand was still resting on the small of her back, the heat of his hand pouring into her.

“Oh,” she met his gaze and fluttered her lashes, replying in an equally low tone, “I can beveryamiable. When I want to be.”

His gaze lit with something resembling excitement.

“What are you two whispering about?” Edel demanded.

Jessie cleared her throat and pulled away from him. “I was just telling Orik how I adore your dress.”