She shot him a wry grin. “I think you’re starting to like me, Goliath.”

“Why do you call me that?”

“Because Goliath is a euphemism for the biggest, baddest bloke in the land.” His shoulders went back slightly and seemed a little gratified by that, until she added, “Who was brought down by a teeny tiny pebble, just here.” She pointed to his forehead.

Frown more pronounced than ever, he grabbed her hand in his callused grip, but it didn’t hurt. She was more flummoxed by how small her hand looked within his. “Your audacity is astounding.”

She smiled wider. “Why, thank you.”

His gaze dipped to her mouth and lingered for a spell, and something fluttered in her stomach. For a moment, time seemed suspended.

Then June crawled up to stand on the balcony’s ledge.

Jessie shifted her gaze between Orik and June. Wasn’t he going to do anything? He looked completely at ease with his queen teetering on a mile-high ledge.And yet he fears leaving her with me?

June called over to her, “Just remember, there’s no reason to freak out.”

Then the cords of reality snapped in half, and Jessie’s brain revolted against the impossible transformation happening before her. Though it was over in seconds, and suddenly a pure white dragon stood before her where June had just been, the sound of bones snapping still echoed in her mind. The vision of muscles churning and morphing and exploding mangled her thoughts, and the intensely exquisite aura pluming off the June-dragon nearly blinded her.

It took Jessie several heartbeats to realize she was clinging to Orik, practically plastered to him, shaking, heaving for breath. He was gazing down at her, equally surprised by her reaction, yet his arm wrapped around her as though to provide comfort. It almost worked, enveloped in the arms of Goliath…if she didn’t realize a monster truly did reside within him as well.

When the June-dragon decided to stretch out her pterodactyl wings, Jessie’s body made a decision that her brain didn’t approve.

She shoved away from Orik and sprinted back inside, nearly knocking over an end table on her way through the door. In the hall, she charged right, not knowing where she was going but pumping her legs down the hall as hard and as fast as she could, nonetheless. After skidding around several corners, a gruff voice called out from behind.

“Jessie! Stop.”

It was Orik. But she couldn’t stop. Her body was in control now, obeying nothing else but the instinct to put as much space between her and the dinosaur-like carnivore that could chomp her in half with a single bite. She crashed her shoulder into a wall as she took another corner at full speed before propelling herself down one hall after the next, but her momentum had slowed and Orik was closing in, calling her name.

After yet another corner, she came to a dead end, her heart thundering painfully in her chest. She whirled around. Orik was there, blocking her escape, holding his palms up as though to show he meant no harm. Yet she only registered the fact that she was trapped.

Panting, nowhere to run, Jessie peered up at him like prey to a predator. He hid one of those monsters within him, too. He’d pealed her ship open like a tin can. The flowing aura that surrounded him was back to that brilliant orange, but it was brighter than ever with confused gray swirls wriggling around the edges.

Confused? I really am going crazy.

Orik crept closer. “Easy, female. Doona be afraid.”

Jessie wasn’t used to being afraid. She couldn’t even recall the last time she had panicked like this, aside from her initial abduction, or if she ever had. She’d grown up freeclimbing mountains, diving with sharks, and conquering bear country with her father as he taught her survival techniques.

She recalled his words now.The worst thing you can do in any situation is panic. If you find yourself in the shit, stay calm. Analyze your situation. Develop a plan. Then execute it.But invariably, he’d always end with,As long as I’m here, you’ll be fine.

Recalling that last bit sent painful shards of sorrow through her heart.

Dragging in a succession of breaths, her pulse slowed enough that her hysteria began to dampen.I’m on another planet with humanoid creatures that can transform into living, breathing, flying reptiles the size of bulldozers. They do not appear to be hostile, even though my survival instinct begs to differ. They may or may not have abducted me. More data is needed. If they did, then for what purpose? If not, they might help me get back home if I cooperate.

Panic receded further and reason began to return. A plan was developing. Part one: Cooperate.

Orik was easy to analyze. Based on what she’d seen of him with his queen, he was a loyal solder with strong protective tendencies. He’d even seemed protective of her a moment ago.

“I-I’m sorry I ran.” Her voice was but a whisper over a cracked desert landscape, and she had to clear her throat to continue. “I wasn’t trying to escape. I swear.”

“Aye,” he agreed. “You were merely frightened, but I canna have you wandering about the castle without an escort. You must remain in your room for the time being.”

“’Course. Sorry. I’m…I think I’m fine now.” The adrenaline was rapidly draining away, and she was beginning to feel foolish for her reaction. They had told her what to expect. Warned her. And still she’d reacted poorly.

“I will walk you back to your room now.”

She nodded, and then realized she was eyelevel with the bullet hole in his shirt. Suddenly she was captivated by the notion that he could truly heal as fast as he claimed, and the distraction was more than welcome. Though her pulse still galloped in her veins, she eased closer to him. “May I s-see your wound?” she asked.