Edel rebuked, “Come, come, you two. You’ll lose the light. And I want you both back before dark.”

Her cheeks blazed with color as she realized she’d practically been eye fucking Orik in front of his mother! Although he was soon to be her husband, so she didn’t feelthatbad about it.

Playing it cool, she slipped from his grasp and turned to exhibit the ring on her finger with glee. June stepped forward and grabbed her hand, turning it this way and that so the light reflected off the electric blue stone in a million tiny prisms.

Tristan yanked Orik into a hard, back-slapping hug.

Jessie turned to Edel, suddenly hesitant. “I, uh, I hope he got your blessing before asking.”

Edel offered her small, very regal, very inscrutable smile. “My opinion would no’ have mattered, dearling. When a dragon finds his mate, nothing will discourage him, not even a disapproving family.” Edel took several imperial steps closer, her elegant dress glittering and bolstering her natural royal demeanor. “But I suspect my blessing would mean more to you.” Edel’s discerning gaze took her in fully, from the soles of her hiking boots to her the tips of her hair that fell in unruly waves around her shoulders.

Jessie resisted the urge to test her forehead for perspiration.

“At first,” Edel resumed. “After discovering what you are, I canna say I was thrilled by the relationship forming between you and Orik. He has endured much in his life. And then, after everything, to be saddled with a witch who could, at any moment, choose to betray him? You must see how that could be concerning.”

Jessie nodded, fidgeting with her new ring.

Edel reached out and firmly grasped her shoulders. The contact was jarring. “But you are no’ like the witches we have contended with in the past. You’ve shown great loyalty to this family and a ferocity to protect us, our kingdom, and my son. Your brave actions, in my eyes, have rivaled those of our clan’s most revered warriors.”

The way Edel looked at her now reminded her of how her own mother had once looked at her. With loving pride. The weight of that expression combined with Edel’s praise was so startling, Jessie was unable to respond at first. Her throat had tightened considerably, and she swallowed against the rising lump. Her bottom lip quivered uncontrollably, and her eyes burned with the promise of more tears. At all costs, she needed to stop herself from throwing her arms around Edel and ruining her dress with the well of emotion that was threatening to crumble her. So naturally, she resorted to humor.

Pretending to examine her nails, she casually replied. “Eh, it’s what I do.”

Edel countered with a rueful smile before adding, “I could not be more pleased with my son’s selection in a mate.”

Another thick lump swelled in Jessie’s throat, and she gave Edel a grateful smile. June placed a hand over her heart, looking teary-eyed as well. Orik stood with his shoulders back and his chest bowed, looking like he’d conquered the world. They were all trying to break her heart with happiness.

Sniffling, swallowing down her burning emotion, Jessie made her expression smug and fake-whispered to Edel. “Admit it. I’m the new favorite, aren’t I?” Facing June, she pouted her lips. “Sorry, June, I’m sure she still loves you…ish.”

June snorted, dabbing at her eyes. “Keep dreaming, Hermione from book one.”

Jessie gasped in mock outrage. “Howdareyou. I’m at least Hermione from book three.”

While she and June shared a laugh, the others exchanged baffled looks, which only made the two of them laugh harder. Jessie was bursting with more joy than she ever knew could exist within a single person.

And it only got better. Minutes later, she was strapped to the hang glider, ready to launch herself over the balcony’s edge.

“You’re sure this is safe?” Edel once again inquired of no one in particular.

“I’ll be with her the whole time,” Orik assured. “No harm will befall her.”

June cleared her throat. “Perhaps ‘befall’ is not the best choice of words.”

Jessie met Orik’s gaze. “I trust you.” Then she stepped up to the ledge. “Ready?”

He nodded. “Let’s go.”

She pushed off, diving over the edge. The glider’s nose aimed downward. The sensation of weightlessness tickled her stomach seconds before the wind caught hold and snapped the wings level. The glider whipped forward and began to climb, and suddenly she was sailing high over the land, wind streaming through her hair, effortless and free.

There were no clouds in the sky, no weather issues to speak of. The light breeze was perfect, making it possible for her to sail higher with only the slightest adjustment of her weight, allowing her to glide through the air like a creature born to it. Her heart pounded with breathless exhilaration.

In his dragon form, Orik was suddenly beside her, green eyes watchful. She grinned over at him and he returned a very toothy smile, with his lips pulled back over a set of carnivore’s teeth.

Together they simply drifted for a while, losing track of time and basking in the kind of unique tranquility that was shared by only a handful of creatures. Although more than just birds flew the skies of this planet. She’d have to add dragons—and possibly witches—to the list. Could witches fly? Certainly teleportation was a thing, or rather, sifting. She would need to figure out that little trick for herself. She still had a lot to learn. A whole new culture, a whole new history. But Orik would be by her side the whole time, guiding her. Supporting her. Loving her.

And finally,finally, this new world was starting to feel like home.
