Though she was teetering, June was a swift learner. She rode the airstreams with less and less turbulence by the second.

Positively buoyant with joy, Tristan could not help but to celebrate by flying circles around her and showing off with a few barrel rolls. Her expression took on a mixture of amused annoyance as he marveled at her beauty. The moonlight glistening off her scaly back as if she was a living breathing glass sculpture, deceptively delicate. She was the most beautiful creature in living history.

And she is mine.

Now he just needed make that clear.


Iam a motherfucking dragon!

June could scarcely believe she was miles above the ground, gliding under a double full moon. The wind rushed past, skimming around her new body. The sensation was exhilarating, freeing, and fucking terrifying. She had no idea what she was doing. And yet, she was doing it.

She was flying! Mother-freaking, honest-to-goodness, balls-to-the-wall,flying!

Tristan was with her in all his glory, showboating. He dipped and dove and spun around her while she concentrated on not falling out of the sky. His defiance of gravity helped ease her nerves…until she thought about what would happen when she tried to land.

Tristan must have sensed her trepidation because he quit dancing through the air like a twitterpated Disney character and slid up on her right until she dared a glance at him.

He jerked his head toward the ground. “Land. Watch me.” His words were clipped and gruff. When she tried to respond, only cool air bubbled up her throat. She suspected speaking in dragon form was a learned talent.

He banked right and dove toward a lake that offered a patch of open land along the shore. She circled, keeping her eye on him, studying how his wings moved, how his body slowed and readied to meet the ground. His landing was elegant and flawless.

Looks easy enough.

She dove, trying to mimic his movements, but her body wasn’t used to…any of this. As she approached the ground, her wings teetered and she lost her nerve and pulled up…but it was too late. She was going to crash! At the last second, she skidded into the water, liquid splashing all around her. If she were in human form, her cheeks would be fire-truck-red with embarrassment.

Her paws met the squishy bottom, and as the surface settled, she caught sight of the unfamiliar reflection staring back at her. She was winter-white, her eyes a pale lavender with long black slits. Her snout was just a shade pink. Two horns protruded from her temples, peeking out of her pale-white mane. She blinked, turning her head this way and that, finding it hard to believe this was her.

“You’re beautiful.”

She turned to face Tristan on the shore. He was in his two-legged from. She moved to approach him, but she slipped on the slimy lake-bottom, and nearly dunked under the water.

He looked as though he was wheezing out a laugh. She was instantly offended and wanted to howl at him for finding humor in her awkward transition. Instead of words, an icy force bubbled up from somewhere deep within her and as she roared into the sky—

Blue flames shot from her lungs.

She clamped her mouth shut, alarm skittering through her. That didn’t seem right. Another glance at Tristan told her he was equally surprised, his mouth agape, even as crystals of ice sparkled down around her.

“Come,” he grated.

Almost in a daze, she sloshed through the lake toward the shore. Her body felt heavier as she waded out of the water.

Tristan met her at the edge. He looked so tiny and fragile to her reptilian eyes. But he had no fear of her. He nuzzled her nose before sliding his cheek along hers. “Mine.”

That single rasped word was like a warm blanket around her heart.

He gazed up at her with a coaxing smile. “Change for me, love.”

Change. How the hell was she supposed to do that?

“Just think about your arms and legs and how much you want to wrap them around me.”

She snorted out a laugh, but then she got the visual, her newly healed body plastered around his. So much had happened in the last hour. Only moments ago, she was on the verge of death. Before that, she feared those traitors were going to kill him. She was still rattled from the traces of terror and adrenaline in her system. Now they were both alive and relatively safe, the danger gone. She wanted to touch him. Kiss him. Hold him and make sure he was really there, and this wasn’t a dream. She needed to prove she was alive.

“That’s it, baby,” he said, a warm sensation tickling the base of her belly. The world around her seemed to bloat and expand, growing all around her. She felt like Alice after drinking the shrinking potion until finally everything was normal size again, herself included.

The cool breeze swept over her skin…her naked skin. She glanced at her nude body and then at Tristan’s clothed body. Why—