“Don’t toy with me, Tristan. Please.” The agony in her voice tore at his chest. “I couldn’t stand it if you didn’t mean it.”

“But Idomean it.”

“You can’t. You couldn’t possibly.”

“What must I do to prove it?”

She laughed without humor. “Short of marrying me? There’s nothing you can do to prove it.”

Before he knew what he was doing, Tristan dropped to his knee and took her hand in his.

June’s eyes flared wide. “What are you…”

“June of Earth, would you do me the honor of—”

“Whoa!” She snatched her hand back and retreated. “Just, whoa there, buddy.”

“Do your people have a different custom for—”

“No, custom’s spot on, but…are you mad?”

“I don’t believe so, but my sanity has been questioned a lot tonight.” He smiled up at her. He could tell she was softening toward him, if only a little.

“This isn’t a joke, Tristan.”

He shimmied on his knees toward her, knowing he looked ridiculous. “Am I laughing?” When he reached out for her, she squeaked and dodged him. He circled around and continued his knee-walk. “What? I’m just trying to propose like you asked me to.”

“Tristan, this isn’t funny.” However, she was laughing now. His heart soared at the sound. When she tried to dodge him again, his arm snaked out and he caught her around the waist. In the same motion, he lumbered to his feet and heaved her over his shoulder. She squealed in protest until he deposited her on the bed and crawled over her luscious body. “Woman, would you hold still so I can propose to you properly?”

She gazed up at him, her breaths shallowing. Amusement was gone, replaced by delicious heat, even as she whispered, “I can’t.”

“And why ever no’?”

She didn’t speak. Just gazed at him with those bedroom-hooded eyes.

Undeterred, Tristan dipped his head as if to kiss her lips, but held back an inch to see what she would do. With her breath fanning along his face, she rose up to meet him. Her soft mouth molded over his.

Breaking the kiss, he pulled back. “Why will you no’ say yes?”

She let out a sorrowful sighed, but didn’t reply.

“If you will no’ tell me, I will just have to torment your body until you do.” Going to his knees, he shrugged out of his shirt and began ripping it into strips until he had two long swatches.

“What are you doing?”

When he tied the end of one cloth to her wrist and the other to the bedpost, her face lit with shocked realization.


“What the hell are you doing?” June flailed under Tristan’s weight, but he was too fast, grasping her other wrist and securing it to the bedpost, same as the first.

"We’re going to play a game, you and I.”

“You let me go this instant!” Why did that come out so breathy? Her body was growing aroused, her nipples budding as if in anticipation for his wicked game.

He rolled to place his body at her side and propped his head on his bent arm, his expression intense as he drank in the sight of her. Their struggle had caused her dress to ride up and the slit was parted wide, exposing her legs, and she was sure he was getting a peek of her lacy underwear. “I will let you go when you accept my proposal. Until then, you are mine to do with as I please.” He reached up and yanked down her bodice, exposing her breasts to the cool air.

Her nipples grew even tighter under his gaze. “You son of a bitch.”