As of yet no one had bested him in open challenge, and he didn’t expect anyone would in the near future. Tristan’s strength nearly matched that of his beloved father. Could he risk the denigration of his people for one woman?

Orik interrupted his thoughts. “I apologize about bringing Gideon and Leanora up there with me. They’d been very insistent.”

“It’s no’ your fault. You didn’t know.”

“Right.” Smirking, Orik baited, “Had I known you’d be flying in with your human atop you…”

Tristan felt his cheeks grow warm. “All right, enough of that.”

“Tell me, did you enjoy letting her ride you?”

“Orik,” Tristan warned.

“No really, how was it being between her legs?”

Tristan hooked Orik in a headlock. “I’ll no’ hesitate to whip your ass like when we were young.”

“I’m no’ some scrawny waif anymore.” Orik’s fist crashed into his side with a thunderous force. A spark of pain rode up his spine, and Orik was able to weasel his way out of Tristan’s stunned grasp.

“Yeah, thanks to me,” Tristan pointed out. “I’m pretty sure I taught you that move.”

“Ha! You wish you were this good.”

They tussled for a few more minutes before calling it a draw and parting with brotherly pats on the back. Something Orik said sat with him all the way up to June’s room. Would he be happy with only a few years with June when he knew that would never be enough? Could he bear to watch June grow old and slowly perish while he remained young? Would it be kinder to the both of them to end it now?

These questions plagued him as he entered her room and found the unexpected sight of Leanora perched on her couch. What in the world?

A sudden terror washed through him. Had Leanora done something to June?

But then he spotted her with Thaddeus and his mother, eating dinner at the table. June looked rattled, distress creasing her expression. What had she endured with Leanora here? He might have more groveling to do than anticipated.

“I can explain, June. Please.”

With an affronted tone, Leanora snapped, “You should be worried about explaining to me.”

Tristan spared her a glance. “Leanora, why are you here?”

“Excuse me? Why wouldn’t I be?” Leanora shot to her feet. “You seem to be more concerned with this off-worlder than you are of your own fiancé.”

Exasperated and impatient, Tristan reminded her, “You’re not my fiancé.”

June focused on Thaddeus. “It’s okay. You’re okay. No one is going to hurt you. I promise.” Why was June comforting Thaddeus like that? Tristan noted that Thaddeus was now staring at the table, his arms folded into his armpits.

“Don’t be an idiot, Tristan,” Leanora continued. “You would be stupid not to accept me at a time like this. Your kingdom is falling apart.”

“That’s a ridiculous exaggeration.”

Thaddeus pulled his knees into his chest and covered his ears with his hands. What was going on?

“They think you committed patricide,” Leanora pointed out. “They are losing faith in you. Joining our families is the only way to restore that faith.”

“Enough!” June snapped. “If you’re going to argue, I would appreciate it if you both get out.”

Injured, he faced June, but she was still fussing over Thaddeus, who was shuddering. “What’s going on?” he asked.

June glanced up at him, her expression fierce. That look alone could spark his lust if he didn’t sense the underlying tension. She pushed away from the table and made her way toward him, grabbing him by the wrist and tugging him toward the nearest bedroom. “We need to talk.”

“Aye,” Tristan agreed, allowing her to tug him along, yet a little confused.