The worst was yet to come.

As soon as Tristan transformed, Miss Perfect Figure shot him a sultry grin, sauntered up to him, and planted a kiss on his lips. “Darling. I’ve missed you.”

Da fuck?


Why is every man’s wet dream kissing my man?

June stared, flabbergasted when Tristan didn’t immediately shove her away and admonish the invasion of his personal space. “Leanora,” Tristan greeted, passing June a cursory glance. Was that guilt in his eyes?

Leanora? What a stupid, beautiful name.

Leanora looked down the line of her nose at June. “Oh, is this the human I heard about? She’s so small.” The sickly sweetness in her voice bellied the insult.


“I’m June,” she grated, striving for civility when all she wanted was to tear out the bitch’s throat with her teeth.

“So wonderful to meet you, Jen—”

“June,” she corrected.

“I see you’re enjoying your little visit to our planet.” She spared Thaddeus a glance down the line of her nose and then returned her cool gaze to June. “I’m Princess Leanora.” Of course she was a princess. Limply, she put her gloved hand out for June to, what, kiss? “I’m Tristan’s fiancé.”

Agony shot through June blood like a toxin, the pain twisting her stomach into knots that constricted with each breath.It can’t be true!

Her gaze snapped to Tristan, every cell in her body was desperate for him to deny it.

Tristan’s expression was unreadable. “You forget, Leanora, I’ve no’ given you an answer yet.”

That wasn’t a denial. That was agive me time to sow my royal oatsanswer. Was that what he was doing? Sowing his royal oats with the little human before moving on to live the rest of his charmed life with this ethereal fucking gazelle.

June felt so foolish. So utterly and unequivocally foolish. The deception was so clear—now that it had judo-kicked her in the face.Of courseit was ludicrous to think he might want more from her than her body.Of courseit was ludicrous to believe he wasn’t spoken for by someone so far above her that even the bugs crushed under her shoe were held in higher regard.Of courseit was ludicrous to believe he wasn’t like every other thoughtless man who cared nothing for the feelings of others so long as someone was fondling their beloved man-bits.

Like an idiot with a schoolgirl crush, she’d trusted him with her feelings, her body, her heart. She should have known the veil of her fantasy was wafer-thin, like nicked glass. That the cracks were bleeding to the edges, just waiting to break and skewer her.

Somewhere deep inside, she had known all this. She had deceived herself as well, because at some point, she had stupidly convinced herself he cared for her. Maybe even…

But no. She could see now this was always going to be the outcome. If she had caught feelings, it was her own damn fault. How many times had she mocked her father’s mistresses for their stupidity? For their weakness? For their complete lack of integrity and decorum? Believing they loved a man who would never love them back, like a bunch of morons. Pathetic creatures, debasing themselves, thinking they could change him.

Am I no better?

She knew Tristan was just using her, that he’d eventually send her back home. She’d been okay with that. But she’d been under the impression he was single.

Apparently not.

Her gut twisted.

The more she gazed at the royal couple, the more perfect they looked together. Like Harry and Megan. Both beautiful. Both powerful….

And, unlike the earthly royal couple, they were both dragons.

Leanora was a princess who could relate to Tristan in a way June never could. She didn’t belong in the same world.

She realized her eyes were beginning to blur. She needed to get out of there before she made more of a fool of herself. If she broke down and cried in front of Tristan’s betrothed, she would never forgive herself.

Orik gave her the perfect excuse to escape. “Tristan, we came to inform you of a witch I caught lurking near the village. She claims to seek asylum and that she has information about a possible uprising against our kingdom.” As he spoke, his eyes slipped to June in pity and she could take no more.