Cheers erupted from the crowd as Tristan fought the tight lump in his throat, and June wiped at her eyes and sniffled.

“And now I would like to invite King Mar’s successor, and treasured friend, King Tristan Okora up with me to renew our longstanding and cherished alliance.”

At mention of his name, June regarded him with warm esteem, her eyes glossy.

“You want to see some magic?” he muttered in her ear.

Her brows shifted in question.

Threading his fingers through hers, he tugged her along as he made his way up the platform.


“Wait. Tristan.” Hand trapped in his, June gaze out at the crowd as they crossed the platform, and only then realized how many were in attendance. How many eyes were now upon her. She felt a cold sweat build between her shoulders, even as her skin grew hot.

Not wanting to make a scene, she hurried alongside Tristan and tried to project an air of confidence as if it were every day that she was pulled on stage by a handsome dragon king. Kyra smiled kindly at them both as they approached. As far as June could tell, she didn’t seem offended that Tristan had yanked her up there, but who could tell for sure?

From the opposite side of the platform, three Faieara approached, each carrying an item. The first, a podium that was set near Kyra, upon which the second laid a book and opened it to a page marked by a thin red ribbon. From his pocket, he retrieved an elegant quill, setting next to the book. The third presented a gilded goblet, holding it up for all to see.

Cale stepped forward next, looking oddly disgruntled and brandishing what looked like a very sharp dagger. June sidled closer to Tristan.

“This is blood magic,” he told her, too low for anyone else to hear.

Taking his lady’s hand in his, Cale turned her palm up, then leaned down and placed a delicate kiss on her wrist. Then, with a heart-wrenchingly pained expression, he took the blade and sliced a clean line along her palm. Blood welled. Kyra closed her fist over the goblet, allowing a stream of blood to trickle into the container.

Then Cale, no longer appearing reluctant, turned to Tristan and extended his hand. When Tristan placed the back of his hand in Cale’s palm, he muttered, “You sure you don’t want to kiss it first?”

Cale replied with a devious smirk. “I could use my fangs to draw blood if you like.”

Instead of waiting for a reply, Cale simply sliced Tristan’s flesh open. Tristan didn’t betray any pain, though the cut was much deeper this time. After he filled the goblet with his blood, Kyra dipped the quill in the mixture and signed her name in the book. After each stroke, the blood-ink brightened to the color of white-hot lava and then caught fire, tiny rivers of flame that burned her signature into place. Tristan repeated the action with the same results. When he set the pen down, the book itself began to glow, and the light branched out, like divine tentacles, reaching farther and farther until it engulfed both Kyra and Tristan. June stepped back, amazed and petrified by the sight.

Soon enough, the light faded, and Kyra declared, “The alliance is solidified by the will of my people and yours.”

Once more, the crowd erupted in cheers, and then celebratory music erupted through unseen speakers…and June recognized the song: “We Are The Champions” by Queen?

“Is this one of Zoey’s songs from her music stick?” Cale grumbled.

Kyra smiled. “All hail Queen.”

They exited the stage, joining Zoey and Tristan’s mother, who’d been standing off to the side with towels and pitchers of water to wash away the blood from their hands.

June noticed their wounds already appeared days old. Even still, a healer stepped up and brandished his magic so the cuts closed fully. June was bewildered and astonished by all that had just occurred, but when the chorus hit, she couldn’t resist joining in as Kyra and Zoey belted out the tune. Though none of their voices were particularly great, their enthusiasm amused the others.

Tristan actually laughed, the sound deep and rich and dipped in chocolate. By the way Edel glanced at him, almost in sunny surprise, June got the feeling he didn’t laugh often…or hadn’t in a while. And though it was her silliness that inspired his buoyancy, it made June’s heart soar.

“I picked this for you, June,” Zoey declared.


“I hoped it would make you feel at home. I know it took me a while to get used to the idea of extraterrestrials. Let alone traveling around with them.”

“Don’t lie,” Kyra admonished. “You pestered me for weeks to make this the first song of the celebration.”

“Okay, June, I used you as an excuse to get what I wanted.”

“Glad I could be of service.”

“It does seem befitting,” agreed Edel, who had been caught tapping her foot to the beat. “Even if it is a bit uncouth.”