He blinked at her, his gray eyes turning curious, but he didn’t press. “Kyra is fetching a healer for you. They should return soon.”

She glanced around the room, seeing it for the first time. It was marvelous and grand, with an ornately decorated hearth and a set of elegant double doors that led to a large balcony beyond which she could see a horizon of green rolling hills.

Hesitating, Tristan asked, “Will you be all right on your own? I should go and help in the search.”

A jolt of unease shot through her at the idea of being left alone in this strange world, even for a moment. Uncertainty-fueled dread crept up her spine, so familiar and distressing that she almost begged him to stay with her. But lives were at stake, so instead she smiled and made her tone easy. “I said I’m fine, didn’t I? Thanks for helping me up here, but please, there’s no need for you to make a fuss.”

At length, Tristan stood, hesitating. “Very well, then. I will send my mother and her guard to watch over you until I return.”

Because he’s concerned for me, or because he doesn’t trust me?

When he left the room, she checked her bra.

The knife was gone.


Tristan returned from the hunt, finding no further evidence of a Kayadon incursion. All the while, he could not stop thinking of June. So frail and delicate. It was his fault she’d been hurt. Stupidly, he’d expected her to get herself to a safe distance as he began the transformation—he’d been too preoccupied by the threat of his enemy, the destroyers of worlds and murders of his father, to realize in the moment that she wouldn’t have known she should. He could have killed her.

It was only by the grace of the gods that the damage hadn’t been more severe.

Now the ceremony was about to begin. He didn’t have time to check on her, though that was all he wanted to do. Didn’t have time to drown in the full power of his shame. What had she meant when she’d statedI’ve had worse? The way she’d said it, so cavalier, made him wonder if such wounds as she’d endured were commonplace on her world.

He entered the courtyard where primly groomed trees bloomed with fragrant flowers lined the stone patio. Little lights had been strung up along the branches so they glittered in the evening. Most of the guests joined them from set of stairs that led to a second-floor balcony protruding from the castle

He expected his mother would delight in taking that path to show off what would undoubtedly be her most elegant dress of the season. Was she still with the human? Had the healer come as promised?

He glanced around, spotting a group of servants putting the finishing touches on a spread of appetizers while others handed out drinks to attendees. Perhaps he had time to slip away and check on June after all.

Someone slapped him on the back so hard he nearly stumbled forward.

“Good show back there, mate!” Cale exclaimed. He held out a goblet of something that smelled strongly of alcohol.

Tristan accepted the drink. “Thanks. You too.”

“Those bastards barely got a shot off. ‘Course, I could have taken them on all by myself.”

With anyone else, Tristan would have balked. Having fought alongside Cale, he could attest to his prowess in battle. Still, no reason to flatter him. “As always, your balls are bigger than your brains.”

Cale laughed and clapped him on the back once more. “Don’t sweet talk me like that, mate. I might just fall for you.” He held up his drink. “To burying the hatchet.”

“In one of our skulls?”

“May it never come to that.” They both took a large swig. Then Cale surprised him by saying, “In all seriousness, I’m glad you were there. We have a team going over the surveillance footage to see if we can figure out how they got into the castle, but there’s no cameras set up to watch the border. Portia is looking into that. Luckily, they only shot me, but had you not been there, who knows how many might have been harmed.”

Because Cale was a demon, Tristan knew he was nearly fully healed by now. Without a healer, a Faieara would not have recovered so quickly, but they would have recovered enough to dance and be merry tonight. A human might have never recovered.

The thought sent sharp, icy dread down the back of his spine.

He spotted her then, upon the balcony, peeking down over the banister as through searching the crowd. Her strapless viridescent bodice hugged her curves as through it had been tailored specifically for her. Her dark hair was pulled back by a shimmering studded band and braided down one side with sparkling embellishments woven throughout.

When her gaze found him, she gifted him with a radiant smile that seemed to hit him in the gut like a volley of asteroids. As she started down the stairs, the rest of her gown came into view. Wisps of sheer fabric fanned out from her waist, embellished by azure feathers and jade studs that glittered as she moved. Her beauty seemed to be attracting more than his attention. Several sets of eyes followed her now, and when she reached the landing, a Faieara male was there to greet her and introduce himself. June smiled at him—

Tristan was by her side before he even realized he’d moved, eyeing the male with dark intent. Her would-be suitor smartly backed away, as did the other Faieara who’d lined up behind him. Point made, Tristan took her by the hand and ushered her back to where Cale still stood, an astonished expression on his face as he glanced between Tristan and June.

June pulled her hand out of his. “What was that about?”

“You are not here to flirt. Remain by my side and stay out of trouble.”