If June could shoot fire from her gaze, Tristan would be toast. Instead of burning under her glare, he countered with a devilish grin.

“Come now.” Edel patted her shoulder. “Let’s be on our way. We don’t want to be late for our own tribute.”

* * *

The castle was simply stunning. Like something straight out of a fairytale.Or a Faieara-tale, June joked to herself. The Faieara weren’t exactly out of a storybook, and they certainly weren’t tiny bug-like creatures with wings, but they were beautiful beyond words with pointed ears, glorious hair, lithe bodies, and a natural grace that coursed through their every movement. June found it difficult to take her eyes off them.Envious is me.

Several guards greeted them at the palace entrance, bowing deeply and then leading them to a large room with grand stilted-arch windows and a high vaulted ceiling. Many Faieara gathered in the room. Their chatter stopped as they entered. As if cued by an invisible force, bodies parted, creating a path to a dais where a royal couple sat up on a set of matching thrones.

The queen, a petite and stunningly attractive woman, sat perfectly upright, her back straight and chin proud, while the man, quite handsome, slouched to one side, his body propped up by his elbow, giving off a don’t-fuck-with-me vibe. Something about him piqued a primitive alarm in the back of June’s brain; it screamedOther, warning her to keep her distance.

The instant the couple spotted the group, the queen hopped out of her throne with a huge grin and rushed down the steps to leap into Tristan’s arms. He caught her and spun her around with her momentum. A gloomy drizzle churned in June’s stomach. She was without a doubt the most beautiful woman June had ever seen, her strawberry hair shining in the light, her aquamarine eyes flashing with delight.

“Tristan!” The queen’s voice was like silver bells on Christmas Eve. “I’m so happy to see you. How was your trip?”

“Eventful.” Tristan set the queen on her feet but kept his hands at her waist.

For some reason, June wanted to melt into the wall and disappear. Then she registered the unsettling approach of the king, his expression forbidding, menacing, and…were those horns? spikes jutted from his hair that were visibly darkening to the color of burnt coal. A shiver raked through her and she unconsciously took a step closer to Tristan.

He glanced down and scanned her features. He looked as though he was about to say something, but another woman with straight black hair emerged from the crowd and rushed past the king to treat Tristan with the same regard as the queen had, throwing her arms around him. Tristan laughed, seemingly enjoying the attention. “Zoey, girl, good to see you.”

“The females in my life tempt me to the Edge,” the king grated darkly, going to stand near the queen and this newcomer.

The menacing king had her by two feet at least, and along with his gruff voice and wide shoulders, she instantly feared his potential aggression.

“Don’t worry, Cale,” Zoey chirped. “You’re still my favorite,” Then she went to her toes to kiss him on the cheek before shuffling off to the side.

“I demand proof of that in the form of backed goods.” Cale hooked the queen’s waist as if to drag her away, but only pulled her into the curve of his body as he eyed Tristan with something akin to contempt.

“Hello Cale,” Tristan said coolly.


Tension seemed to thicken by degrees as the two sized each other up. Even some of the Faieara appeared uneasy.

Then Cale offered his hand and Tristan took it, though, as they shook, it was obvious they were each trying to crush the other’s fist.

While that went on, the young queen faced Edel and greeted her. “Your Majesty.”

“Kyralyn,” Edel replied. “You are more beautiful than ever. The crown suits you.”

“Thank you,” Kyralyn blushed slightly. “I’m still getting used to it. Literally and metaphorically.”

“I’m sure your father would be proud.”

Kyralyn’s eyes glossed slightly. “I hope so.”

Then Edel canted her head at the two white-knuckled males and muttered, “Would you two knock that off.”

After one last squeeze in which June was sure she heard bones crunching, they released each other, neither betraying a hint of pain.

“Where is the rest of your kin?” Tristan asked.

Kyralyn replied, “We heard of a possible Kayadon outpost to the north. Anya and Sebastian took the others to investigate. They should return before the ceremony.”

“How goes it with the Kayadon?”

“It’s still not safe outside the wards. Many of my people remain in hiding, believing the castle is still under Kayadon rule. Our scouts return with new refugees daily, but it is a slow process.”